Overview of the Paragraph Recognition

Overview of the Paragraph Recognition

For Congree to know which contents need to be checked, not be checked, or be treated in a certain way, you need to configure the paragraph recognition in the document settings of the Congree Control Center.

You can choose between automatic and manually configured paragraph recognition.

Automatic Paragraph Recognition

Nothing can be configured here. Congree creates a standard DTD interpretation by means of which the paragraphs and the presence of inline elements in your texts are recognized.

Manual Configuration of the Paragraph Recognition

The paragraph recognition can be configured in the Paragraph Recognition area of the document settings:

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Treatment: What Options Are There?

The treatment determines how Congree is to handle a detected element. All available options are explained below.


All elements whose content is to be checked must be stored as a check unit with the Check treatment. The treatment will be passed down to child elements, except for child elements assigned the Skip treatment.

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As a matter of principle, you can simply omit all elements that are to be skipped (i.e. that are not to be checked) from the table.

However, as the Check treatment is passed down to child elements, child elements of Check elements that are to be skipped need to be tagged with the Skip treatment. The Skip treatment will be passed down to child elements and overwrite the Check treatment. 

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Check or Skip Depending on Parent

If the treatment of an element is to depend on its parent element, you need to enter the parent element under Parents. If the parent element, in turn, is to have a certain parent element, use a backslash (example: cause\description).

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Check or Skip Depending on Attribute

If a check entity is to be checked or skipped only if it has a certain attribute, you need to enter the respective attribute under Attributes. Attributes can be combined with the AND and OR operators. However, it is not possible to use both operators in one cell.

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Instead of using the OR operator, you can also create a new row in which you can store the same element with a different attribute. This method is especially useful if you have many attributes.


If a check unit is embedded in another check unit, but is to be treated as a standalone element, you need to assign it the Nested treatment.

You texts contain element structures such as the following:

<title>Overview of the driver's door <p><li>Overview</li><li>Driver's door</li></p><p><li>Driver's door</li><li>Overview</li></p></title>

Perhaps you would like to check <title/> without having the contents tagged with <li/> interpreted as sentence elements. Otherwise, Congree would see "Overview of the driver's door Driver's door Driver's door Overview" and return grammar notifications due to the wrong syntax. 

If you stored <p/> as Nested, Congree will read the content of <title/> without assuming a sentence structure:

  • Overview of the driver's door

  • Overview

  • Driver's door

  • Driver's door

  • Overview

In practice, this means that the contents can still be checked for spelling and terminology, but no grammar check will be performed.


The Nested treatment only applies to the Congree Language Check.


You can assign each check entity to a particular Congree class. In this way, special rules will be applied to the check entity. For example, these special rules include a certain Authoring Memory penalty or an activated or deactivated style rule.

Possible classes:

  • List

  • Title

  • Table

  • Procedure

  • Hint

  • Warning

  • Literal

  • Regular

If your system has further Congree classes that you need e.g. for the Authoring Memory (structure attributes), you can enter these as well. However, this will not affect your Congree Language Check. Congree will treat all unknown classes as "Regular".

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Checking or Not Checking Certain Rules

If certain rules of your Style Guide are to be applied or not be applied to a certain check entity, you can configure these under Rules.

There are three different settings for the individual rules:

  1. Option empty: The rule will not be applied.

  2. Option checkmarked: The rule will only be applied to this check unit. For this, it must be activated in the underlying Style Guide. This setting is only useful for customer-specific rules.

  3. Option filled out: The standard behavior determined by the Style Guide will apply.


Not every behavior is possible with every rule. There are rules where you can only choose between an Option empty and a Option filled out.

There are also rules for which only Option checkmarked and Option filled out are available. This means that you cannot configure that the rules are not applied here.

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Configuring Inline Elements

Treatment: What Options Are There?

Configuring Inline Elements

Treatment: What Options Are There?

Inline elements with the Normal treatment are interpreted as sentence elements. This means that their content is checked by Congree. Inline elements with the Normal treatment do not have a sentence-segmenting effect.

Ignore content

Inline elements with the treatment Ignore content are converted to empty elements and thus treated as placeholders. Congree knows that the respective inline element is protected and cannot be removed.

Ignore content - protected

Inline elements with the treatment Ignore content and activated protected selection are converted to empty elements and thus treated as protected placeholders.

Ignore tag and content

Inline elements with the treatment Ignore tag and content are treated by Congree as if they did not exist.

Ignore tag

For inline elements with the treatment Ignore tag, the inline element is ignored, but not its contents.


If you want inline elements to be checked individually and also be interpreted as correct sentence elements, you need to assign them the Nested treatment.

Example sentence: <p>Hello my dear <irony>friend</irony><p>

The Congree Linguistic Engine will check the inline element <irony/> and its content "friend" as a separate check entity.

At the same time, the Congree Linguistic Engine will check the content of <p/> as a sentence in the form "Hello my dear [noun]".

Parent-dependent treatment

If the treatment of an inline element is to depend on its parent element, you need to enter the parent element under Parents.

If the parent element, in turn, is to have a certain parent element, use a backslash (example: cause\description).

Attribute-dependent treatment

If an inline element is to be treated specifically only if it has a certain attribute, you need to enter the respective attribute under Attributes. Attributes can be combined with the AND and OR operators. However, it is not possible to use both operators in one cell.

Customizations for the Language Check

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