Creating flexible settings

Creating flexible settings

In the Congree Control Center, you can set up flexible settings within the scope of a document-specific rule set.


  • You are in the Document menu.
  • A document-specific rule set is open.

How to set up flexible settings:

  1. In the Flexible settings area, select the option Activate flexible settings.

    1. The previously deactivated (grayed out) table will be activated and can be edited:
  2. Click Click here to add a new row.

    1. A table row will be created:
  3. Under Target element, specify the XML element that is to result in the application of the required setting. You have various options:

    1. Specify a single element (e.g. "p").
    2. Specify an element that occurs in a specific XML path (e.g. "Document/p").
    3. Specify an element that occurs after a "processing instruction".

      1. Individual element according to the processing instruction (e.g. "?Meta|p")
      2. Element in an XML path (e.g. "?Meta|Chapter/Section/p")
    4. Specify any element that has a specific attribute or attribute value. To do this, enter "/*" as the element and continue with the Rule column.

  4. Optionally, you can enter an attribute under Rule in order to specify the XML element in more detail. You have various options: You can define

    1. an attribute with a specific value
    2. an attribute that either has a specific value A or a specific value B
    3. an attribute with a specific value and another attribute Y with a specific value
    4. the existence of a specific attribute
    5. the existence of two specific attributes
    6. a particular element content (e.g. text()="XY") for the Element.
  5. If you want to extract metadata from the Congree Authoring Client, specify the XML attribute whose value is to be extracted under Extraction value.
  6. Under Component, select the Congree component that your setting is to apply to. You can choose Authoring Memory, Data Grooming, Term candidates (concept), Term candidates (term), or Language Check.
  7. Under Settings category, determine the area of your selected component that the setting is to be associated with. For Data Grooming, you can choose all metadata columns that you created under User-defined Data Grooming columns (see "Settings – Data Grooming").
  8. Select which setting is to apply to the previously defined settings category. Specify the specific setting under Applied setting.
    Note: If the flexible settings apply to Congree Data Grooming or report names, the Applied setting will always be Extraction value or Extracted value.
  9. Save your setting by clicking the cross-panel Save button:
  10. Your flexible settings will be applied.


If you use flexible settings to change the language of Authoring Memory proposals, this setting is also applied to the feature for automatically collecting and approving Authoring Memory Candidates.


In order to fill a field with metadata during term candidates extraction, under Settings - Data Grooming - Term Candidates attribute mapping the Metadata option must be selected under Auto value:

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