Settings Manager: Document

Settings Manager: Document

In the Document menu, you can configure settings that influence Congree at the document level. This is done by means of document-specific rule sets.

The individual areas of the menu are listed below.


The settings shown here largely correspond to the "Congree Standard" rule set. Deviations from the "Congree Standard" have been chosen arbitrarily and serve the demonstration of the components of the respective area.


Congree has an internal versioning system. Each change to a document-specific rule set increments the version, starting with v1.

Overview of the Document-Specific Rule Set Area

  1. Drop-down menu for rule sets: Select a document-specific rule set.
  2. Create button: Create a new document-specific rule set.
  3. Clone button: Clone the selected rule set.
  4. Delete button: Delete the selected rule set.
  5. Show disabled rule sets: Include disabled rule sets in the drop-down list.


"Congree Standard" is the default rule set that cannot be deleted. If "Congree Standard" is selected, the Delete button will be inactive.

Overview of the Document Language Area

  1. Drop-down menu Language: Select the document language.
  2. Drop-down menu Sublanguage: Select the sublanguage of your document language.

Overview of the Paragraph Recognition Area

In the Paragraph recognition area, you can configure the behavior of the Language Check and of the Authoring Memory.


The information provided here applies not only to XML elements, but also to style templates in unstructured document formats (see Paragraph Recognition for Unstructured Document Formats).


The interface of the area is described below. For instructions on how to configure the behavior of the Language Check, go to Configuring the Behavior of the Congree Language Check. Instructions for the character transformation are available under Configuring the Character Transformation.

  1. Input area Number of characters required for a paragraph to be checked: Enter the character count that a segment must have in order to be processed by the Authoring Memory and by the Language Check.
  2. Automatic paragraph recognition option: Select this option to enable automatic recognition of all elements processed by the Authoring Memory and by the Language Check.
  3. Paragraphs: Table of all elements/style templates
    1. Input screen Check entities: Specify the respective element.
    2. Input screen Parents: Specify the parent element in which the element needs to be embedded.
    3. Input screen Attributes: Specify attributes and their values for the element. You can use the AND and OR operators.
    4. Drop-down list Treatment: Specify how the Congree Language Check is to handle the element content.
      • Check
      • Skip
      • Skip and ignore white space
      • Nested
    5. Rules menu: Select the rules that are to apply to the respective element.
      To do so, open the menu by clicking the pen button.
    6. Drop-down list Class: A Congree class can be assigned to all check entities to which the Check rule is applied. Different Congree Language Check rules may apply to different Congree classes.
    7. Notes input screen: Store notes on your configuration, for example explanations, why you have made changes in specific places.
    8. Action button: Delete elements from the list.
  4. Inline elements: Table of all inline elements
    1. Input screen Inline element: Specify the inline element whose handling is to be configured.
    2. Input screen Parents: Specify the parent element in which the inline element needs to be embedded.
    3. Input screen Attributes: Specify attributes and their values for the inline element. You can use the AND and OR operators.
    4. Drop-down list Treatment: Specify how the Congree Language Check is to handle the inline element/its content.
      • Normal
      • Ignore content
      • Ignore content - protected
      • Ignore tag and content
      • Ignore tag
      • Nested
    5. Protected option: Determine that the Congree Language Check is to process the inline element as a protected inline element.
    6. Input screen Language Check specifics: All check entities for which the Check rule applies can be subjected to special handling by the Congree Language Check.
    7. Notes input screen: Store notes on your configuration, for example explanations, why you have made changes in specific places.
    8. Action button: Delete inline elements from the list.
  5. Import button: Import a configuration of the paragraph recognition in the form of a DTD interpretation.
  6. Export button: Export your configuration of the paragraph recognition in the form of a DTD interpretation.
  7. Character Transformation: The table determines how the Congree Linguistic Engine is to handle certain character strings. 
    1. Input screen Character string: Specify the character string that Congree is to process in a particular way.

    2. Operation drop-down list: Select whether Congree should remove the string or replace it with another string for processing by the Congree Linguistic Engine.
    3. Input screen Transformation: Specify how Congree is to process the character string, e.g. like a particular entity or element.

    4. Drop-down list Target: Select the Congree component to which the change applies:

      • Language Check: The transformation of the character string is to apply to the Congree Language Check.
      • Correction proposals: The stored transformation will be provided as a correction proposal in the Language Check Panel.
    5. Drop-down list Search mode: Select how Congree is to find the defined character string:

      • Normal: Case-insensitive search
      • Normal (uppercase/lowercase): Case-sensitive search
      • Regular expression: Case-insensitive search for the character string(s) that correspond(s) to the regular expression
      • Regular expression (uppercase/lowercase): Case-sensitive search for the character string(s) that correspond(s) to the regular expression
    6. Action button: Delete rules from the list.


If the check entities to be checked and ignored are not defined, the Language Check may return seemingly unsuitable notifications for certain paragraph styles.


Enabling the automatic paragraph recognition disables the Paragraph and Inline elements tables. The Character transformation table remains active.

Overview of the Authoring Memory Area

 With the Congree Authoring Memory Server as backend

  1. Penalties area: Configure penalties for the Authoring Memory.
    1. Input area Different inline elements: Enter the penalty for different inline elements.
    2. Input area Different punctuation: Enter the penalty for different punctuation.
    3. Input area Different special characters: Enter the penalty for different special characters.
    4. Input area Different structure: Enter the penalty for different structure attributes.
    5. Input area Switched words: Enter the penalty for switched words.
    6. Input area Capitalization: Enter the penalty for different capitalization.
    7. Input area Different spaces: Enter the penalty for different spaces.
    8. Input area Different numbers: Enter the penalty for different numbers.
  1. Keep tags area: Activate the option Keep tags in the editor when applying matches from the Authoring Memory whenever possible in order to apply a tagged match from the Authoring Memory with the tagging of your original sentence.
 With Across crossTank as backend

  1. Penalties area: Configure penalties for the Authoring Memory.
    1. Input area Switched words: Enter the penalty for switched words.
    2. Input area Different special characters: Enter the penalty for different special characters.
    3. Input area Different punctuation: Enter the penalty for different punctuation.
    4. Input area Different inline elements: Enter the penalty for different inline elements.
    1. Input area Different structure: Enter the penalty for different structure attributes.
  1. Keep tags area: Activate the option Keep tags in the editor when applying matches from the Authoring Memory whenever possible in order to apply a tagged match from the Authoring Memory with the tagging of your original sentence.
  2. Filter set area: From the drop-down list Filter set, select a filter for the display of matches in the Authoring Memory Panel.
  3. Writing context area: From the drop-down list Filter set, select a filter for the display of hits in the Authoring Memory Panel.

Overview of the Language Check Area

  1. Drop-down list for the Style Guide: Select a Style Guide.
  2. Search for valid terms option: Select this option to activate the notification category Valid terms. If you deactivate this option, the Congree Linguistic Engine will not look for any valid terms. In this case, the notification category Valid terms will not be available in the Congree Authoring Client.
  3. Enable linguistically enhanced terminology checks option: Activate this option in order to conduct your terminology research in addition to the linguistically enhanced terminology check. Deactivate this option in order to use the terminology research that is not linguistically enhanced.
  4. Disregard errors for 100% matches option: Activate this option in order to prevent errors in sentences that have already been added to the Authoring Memory from being taken into consideration in the Language Check Panel. You can exclude certain notification categories and rules from this option.
  5. Except selected notification categories area:
    1. Spelling: Exclude errors of the spelling category from being disregarded in the case of 100% matches.
    2. Grammar: Exclude errors of the grammar category from being disregarded in the case of 100% matches.
    3. Style: Exclude errors of the style category from being disregarded in the case of 100% matches.
    4. Terminology: Exclude errors of the terminology category from being disregarded in the case of 100% matches.
    5. Abbreviations: Exclude errors of the abbreviations category from being disregarded in the case of 100% matches.
  6. Except selected rules area, Select... button: Click the button in order to select Language Check rules from a list which are to be excluded from being disregarded in the case of 100% matches.
  7. List of selected rules: List of rules for the Language Check that are to be excluded from being disregarded in the case of 100% matches
    1. Category column: Language category that the rule excluded from being disregarded belongs to
    2. Code column: The specific ID of the rule excluded from being disregarded
    3. Rule description: Brief description of the rule excluded from being disregarded
    4. Action button: Delete the selected rule from the table.

Overview of the Report Area

  1. Authoring Memory area: Determine the matching rates for the Authoring Memory and thus for the Authoring Memory Reports.
    1. Ranges column: Matching rates for the Authoring Memory in %
    2. Action column: Delete matching rates from the table.
    3. Selection area Set range interval: Specify a new range for Authoring Memory proposals and save it.
  2. Language Check area: Select a report configuration for the Language Check Report to be generated in the Congree Authoring Client.

Overview of the Term Candidates Area

 With Across crossTerm as terminology system

  1. Drop-down list crossTerm instance: Select the crossTerm instance to which the extracted term candidates are to be imported.
  2. Tables for the field configuration: Here you can configure the fields for the attributes previously selected or created in SettingsData Grooming.
    1. Congree attribute column: The column contains all attributes for which fields have been created for additional terminology information.
    2. Level column: This column contains the information whether the respective attribute belongs to the concept information or the term information.
    3. Editable column: Select the Editable option in order to enable editing of the respective attribute field in the Term Candidates Panel.
    4. Mandatory column: Select the Mandatory option to ensure that term candidates can be proposed only if the respective attribute is provided with a value.
 With SDL MultiTerm as terminology system

  1. Drop-down list Source: Select the SDL MultiTerm database the extracted term candidates are to be imported to.
  2. Tables for the field configuration: Here you can configure the fields for the attributes previously selected or created in Settings – Data Grooming.
    1. Congree attribute column: The column contains all attributes for which fields have been created for additional terminology information.
    2. Level column: This column contains the information whether the respective attribute belongs to the concept information or the term information.
    3. Editable column: Select the Editable option in order to enable editing of the respective attribute field in the Term Candidates Panel.
    4. Mandatory column: Select the Mandatory option to ensure that term candidates can be proposed only if the respective attribute is provided with a value.
 With Interverbum TermWeb as terminology system

  1. Configuration drop-down list: Select which configuration from the Settings Manager – Data Grooming – Term Candidate attribute mapping should apply.
  2. Tables for the field configuration: Here you can configure the fields for the attributes previously selected or created in Settings – Data Grooming.
    1. Congree attribute column: The column contains all attributes for which fields have been created for additional terminology information.
    2. Level column: This column contains the information whether the respective attribute belongs to the concept information or the term information.
    3. Editable column: Select the Editable option in order to enable editing of the respective attribute field in the Term Candidates Panel.
    4. Mandatory column: Select the Mandatory option to ensure that term candidates can be proposed only if the respective attribute is provided with a value.
 With Kaleidoscope quickTerm as terminology system

  1. Configuration drop-down list: Select which configuration from the Settings – Data Grooming – Term Candidate attribute mapping should apply.
  2. Tables for the field configuration: Here you can configure the fields for the attributes previously selected or created in Settings – Data Grooming.
    1. Congree attribute column: The column contains all attributes for which fields have been created for additional terminology information.
    2. Level column: This column contains the information whether the respective attribute belongs to the concept information or the term information.
    3. Editable column: Select the Editable option in order to enable editing of the respective attribute field in the Term Candidates Panel.
    4. Mandatory column: Select the Mandatory option to ensure that term candidates can be proposed only if the respective attribute is provided with a value.

Overview of the Terminology Research Area

 With Across crossTerm as terminology system

  1. Drop-down menu for term filters: Select a term filter that you have created in the crossTerm Manager in Across.
  2. Input area Maximum word combination length: Specify how long word combinations may be in order to be recognized as a term within the scope of a non-linguistic terminology research.
 With SDL MultiTerm as terminology system

  1. Drop-down list for databases: Select the SDL MultiTerm database the notifications in the Terminology Research Panel are to come from.
  2. Drop-down menu for term filters: Select a term filter that you have created in SDL MultiTerm.
  3. Drop-down list Different sublanguage: If your sublanguage in SDL MultiTerm differs from that of the document-specific rule set, you can specify it here.


If your terminology is kept without any sublanguage in SDL MultiTerm, select All.

 With Interverbum TermWeb as terminology system

  1. Display configuration drop-down list: Select the display configuration that you previously created in Settings Manager – Global, Terminology Research area.
  2. Drop-down list Different sublanguage: If your sublanguage in Interverbum TermWeb differs from that of the document-specific rule set, you can specify it here.
 With Kaleidoscope quickTerm as terminology system

  1. Display configuration drop-down list: Select the display configuration that you previously created in Settings Manager – Global, Terminology Research area.
  2. Drop-down list Different sublanguage: If your sublanguage in Kaleidoscope quickTerm differs from that of the document-specific rule set, you can specify it here.

Overview of the Flexible Settings Area

  1. Activate flexible settings option: Activate this option in order to apply specific settings when specific elements occur.
  2. List of Flexible Settings
    1. Target element column: Specify an XML element that triggers the application of a specific setting.
    2. Rule column: Optionally, you can further define your XML element with the help of certain attributes (see "Creating "Flexible Settings").
    3. Extraction value column: Select an attribute whose value is to be extracted and further processed.
    4. Component column: Select a component that your setting is to affect.
    5. Settings category column: Select a settings category to which your setting belongs.
    6. Applied setting column: Select the setting that is to be applied if the defined XML element occurs.
    7. Click here to add a new row button: Create further elements for whose occurrence you want to define "flexible settings".

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