Configuring the Term Candidates Extraction

Configuring the Term Candidates Extraction

For authors to be able to use the term candidates extraction in the Congree Authoring Client, this function must be configured in the Congree Control Center.


If nothing has been configured as yet, the Term Candidates Panel will display the following: "There is no instance defined for the currently selected rule set."


  • You have a terminology database.
  • When using Across crossTerm as terminology system: The terminology database has at least one instance.
  • Initially, you are in the Term Candidates attribute mapping area of the Data Groomingmenu in the Settings Manager.

How to create fields for additional terminology information:

 With Across crossTerm as terminology system
  1. Click the Create button next to the drop-down list for your destination configuration.

    1. A configuration is created.

  2. Under Source, select your Across instance.

  3. Optional: Under Workflow, select an Across crossTerm workflow in which your term candidates are to be saved.

  4. In the Concept table, select all concept attributes from Across crossTerm for which a field is to be made available in the Term Candidates Panel.
    1. To do so, click Click here to add a new row.

      1. A new row will be added.
    2. Under Across attribute, open the drop-down list to view all concept attributes available in the crossTerm instance:

      An attribute can be filled by means of a text field (see figure), a drop-down list, or a system attributes drop-down list. The terminology database determines which option is available.

      1. The Type column shows whether an attribute of the Text, Drop-down list, or System type is on hand.
    3. If an attribute is filled via a drop-down list or a system attributes drop-down list: Click the respective table row.

      1. A new table will open up:
      1. Create a new table row for every value that is to be available in the drop-down list or in the system attribute drop-down list.
      2. Select the Source value. Under Congree value, determine what the drop-down list value or system attributes drop-down list value is to be called in the Congree Authoring Client.
    4. Under Congree attribute, enter the name of the field in the Congree Authoring Client.
    5. Optional: Under Auto value, enter a default value with which the field is to be prefilled.
  5. In the Term table, select all term attributes from Across crossTerm for which a field is to be made available in the Term Candidates Panel. This table is handled in the same way as the Concept table and is therefore not explained separately.
  6. Click Save.
  7. Your field configuration has been saved.
  8. You can proceed with the next step; see below.
  9. To remove a row of your configuration: Delete the row by clicking the x button in the Action column.
 With SDL MultiTerm as terminology system
  1. From the drop-down list Source, select the SDL MultiTerm database your term candidates are to be imported to later on.

  2. In the Concept table, select all concept attributes from Across crossTerm for which a field is to be made available in the Term Candidates Panel.
    1. To do so, click Click here to add a new row.

      1. A new row will be added.
    2. Open the drop-down list under Source attribute in order to see all concept attributes available in the SDL MultiTerm database:

      An attribute can be filled by means of a text field (see figure), a drop-down list, or a system attributes drop-down list. The terminology database determines which option is available.

      1. The Type column shows whether an attribute of the Text or Drop-down list type is on hand.
    3. If an attribute is filled via a drop-down list or a system attributes drop-down list: Click the respective table row.

      1. A new table will open up:
      1. Create a new table row for every value that is to be available in the drop-down list or in the system attribute drop-down list.
      2. Select the Source value. Under Congree value, determine what the drop-down list value or system attribute drop-down list value is to be called in the Congree Authoring Client.
    4. Under Congree attribute, enter the name of the field in the Congree Authoring Client.
    5. Optional: Under Auto value, enter a default value with which the field is to be prefilled.
  3. In the Term table, select all term attributes from SDL MultiTerm for which a field is to be made available in the Term Candidates Panel. This table is handled in the same way as the Concept table and is therefore not explained separately.
  4. Click Save.
  5. Your field configuration has been saved.
  6. You can proceed with the next step; see below.
  7. To remove a row of your configuration: Delete the row by clicking the x button in the Action column.
 With Interverbum TermWeb as terminology system
  1. From the Source drop-down list , select the Interverbum TermWeb dictionary your term candidates are to be imported to later on.

  2. In the Concept table, select all concept attributes from Interverbum TermWeb for which a field is to be made available in the Term Candidates panel.
    1. To do so, click Click here to add a new row.

      1. A new row will be added.
    2. Open the drop-down list under Source attribute in order to see all concept attributes available in the TermWeb dictionary:

      An attribute can be filled by means of a text field (see figure), a drop-down list, or a system attributes drop-down list. The terminology database determines which option is available.

      1. The Type column shows whether an attribute of the Text or Drop-down list type is on hand.
    3. If an attribute is filled via a drop-down list or a system attributes drop-down list: Click the respective table row.

      1. A new table will open up:
      1. Create a new table row for every value that is to be available in the drop-down list or in the system attribute drop-down list.
      2. Select the Source value. Under Congree value, determine what the drop-down list value or system attribute drop-down list value is to be called in the Congree Authoring Client.
    4. Under Congree attribute, enter the name of the field in the Congree Authoring Client.
    5. Optional: Under Auto value, enter a default value with which the field is to be prefilled.
  3. In the Term table, select all term attributes from Interverbum TermWeb which are to be made available in the Term Candidates Panel. This table is handled in the same way as the Concept table and is therefore not explained separately.
  4. Click Save.
  5. Your field configuration has been saved.
  6. You can proceed with the next step; see below.
  7. To remove a row of your configuration: Delete the row by clicking the x button in the Action column.

How to configure the fields created for each document-specific rule set:

  1. Go to the Document menu and scroll to the Term candidates area.
  2.  With Across crossTerm as terminology system

    Under Source, select the instance to which your term candidates are to be imported later on:

    1. The table contains all fields that you have created.
    2. In the Level column, you can see whether a field is filled with concept or term information.
     With SDL MultiTerm as terminology system

    Under Source, select the SDL MultiTerm database your term candidates are to be imported to later on:

    1. The table contains all fields that you have created.
    2. In the Level column, you can see whether a field is filled with concept or term information.
     With Interverbum TermWeb as terminology system

    Under Source, select the Interverbum TermWeb dictionary your term candidates are to be imported to later on.

    1. The table contains all fields that you have created.
    2. In the Level column, you can see whether a field is filled with concept or term information.
  3. In the Editable column, determine whether the authors are permitted to edit the individual fields:
  4. In the Mandatory column, select for each field whether it must be filled:

    Term candidates for which a required field has not been filled cannot be proposed by the author.
  5. Click Save.
  6. Your field configuration has been saved.
  7. When you use the document-specific rule set in the Congree Authoring Client, you can enrich your term candidates with the desired additional terminology information.

Next step:

Evaluating Term Candidates

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