Settings Manager: Global

Settings Manager: Global

In the Global menu, you can configure settings that influence Congree globally, not at the document level.

The individual areas of the menu are listed below.

Overview of the User Interface Menu

  1. Drop-down list Language: Select a language for the user interface of the Congree Authoring Client. You can select English or German.

Overview of the Report Configuration Area

  1. Input screen Authoring Memory Report: Specify a file name for your Authoring Memory Report.
  2. Input screen Authoring Memory Matching Rates Report: Specify a file name for your Authoring Memory Matching Rates Report.

Overview of the Customization Area

  1. Input screen URL for online help: To enable the authors to access help documents in the Congree Authoring Client, specify the URL of the help documents here. In this way, the authors will be able to access the documents via the Help button in the Congree Toolbar.

Area for Global Settings for Structure Information

 With Congree Authoring Memory Server as backend for Authoring Memory

Overview of the Authoring Memory Area

  1. Add Congree class input screen: Enter a Congree class and click + to add the Congree class to the table.
  2. Table of Congree classes
    1. Congree classes column: There are eight predefined Congree classes. You can create any number of Congree classes.
    2. Action column: To delete a Congree class you created yourself, click x. Predefined Congree classes cannot be deleted.
  3. Show disabled attributes option: When this option is enabled, the attributes that have been disabled will also be shown in the table below.
  4. Table for assignment
    1. Attribute column: Enter an attribute that can be used to process sentences.
    2. Type column: Select whether an attribute value is entered as text or in a drop-down list.
    3. Action column: Delete an attribute by clicking x. Attributes that are already assigned to sentences cannot be deleted, only disabled.

  5. Table for drop-down list item: If Drop-down list is selected as the type of attribute value, you can specify the drop-down list items here.
    1. Drop-down list item for [attribute name] column: Enter a drop-down list item for each line of your attribute.
    2. Action column: To delete a drop-down list item, click x. Attributes that are already assigned to sentences cannot be deleted, only disabled.
 With Across crossTank as backend for the Authoring Memory

Overview of the Across Settings Areas

Filter Set

Create filter sets for the Authoring Memory. 

  1. Drop-down list for filters: Select a filter for the display of matches in the Authoring Memory Panel.
  2. Create button: Create a new filter.
  3. Delete button: Delete a filter.
  4. Refresh button: Refresh the selection of available filters.
  5. Area for defining the filter
    1. Drop-down list Subjects: Set a filter for a specific subject. This filter option is always available in the settings area described here.
    2. Drop-down list Relations: Set a filter for specific relations from Across. This filter option is always available in the settings area described here.
    3. Drop-down list Status: Set a filter for hits with a specific status from Across. This filter option is always available in the settings area described here.
    4. Drop-down menu Date: Set a filter in order to limit the hits to a certain creation or modification date. Here, you can set time periods.
      You can specify a period either by dates or in the form of "the last XY days/months/ ...".
Across Classes

Map structure attributes from Across to Congree classes in order to be able to work with structure information in the Congree Authoring Client.

  1. Input screen Add Congree class: Add another Congree class to the table.
  2. Refresh button: Refresh the selection of available structure attributes from Across.
  3. Table for Across classes
    1. Congree classes column: All Congree classes
    2. Across classes column: Assign an Across class to a Congree class.
    3. Action column: Delete custom-created Congree classes.

Areas That Depend on the Utilized Terminology System

 With Across crossTerm as terminology system

Terminology Research

  1. Drop-down list Interface: Select the interface that authors can access from within the Terminology Research Panel. You can choose between Across crossTerm and crossTerm Now and crossTerm Now (Across v7).
  2. Input screen URL: Enter the URL under which the authors can reach Across crossTerm or crossTerm Now.
  3. Drop-down list Display configuration: Choose a name for your display configuration. In the Document menu, you can map your display configuration to a document-specific rule set.
    1. Create button: Create a new display configuration.
    2. Delete button: Delete the selected display configuration.
  4. Drop-down list for the Across instance: Select the Across instance from which you want to retrieve terms and terminology information.
  5. Drop-down list for the terminology filter: Optionally, select a terminology filter for the terms retrieved from Across crossTerm.
  6. Table for assigning the term attributes: Select which term attributes from Across crossTerm you want to use for terminology research.
  7. Table for the term status: Configure the color in which the individual term statuses are to be displayed.
    1. Value column: All term statuses that exist in your terminology system
    2. Database column: Your terminology system/the instance used
    3. Term status column: The matching term statuses of the Congree Authoring Server
    4. Color column: Configure the colors in which the terms are to be displayed in the Terminology Research Panel.
  8. Show Synonyms option: Select this option to determine that synonyms are to be displayed in the Terminology Research Panel.
  9. Table for the Display Configuration of Synonyms
    1. Term status column: The term statuses for synonyms
    2. Database column: Your terminology system/the instance used
    3. Visible column: Select which term statuses are to be displayed in the Terminology Research Panel.
  10. Show concept attributes option: Select this option to determine that concept attributes are to be displayed in the Terminology Research Panel.
  11. Table for the Display Configuration of Concept Attributes
    1. Attributes column: All concept attributes that exist in your terminology system
    2. Database column: Your terminology system/the instance used
    3. Visible column: Select which concept attributes are to be displayed in the Terminology Research Panel.
    4. Values column: Select which possible attribute values are to be displayed in the Terminology Research Panel.
  12. Translations option: Select this option to define that translations are to be displayed in the Terminology Research Panel.
  13. Table for the Display Configuration of Translations
    1. Language column: Languages that exist in your terminology system
    2. Database column: Your terminology system/the instance used
    3. Sublanguage column: Select for which sublanguages of a language translations are to be displayed in the Terminology Research Panel.
  14. Show term attributes option: Select this option to determine that term attributes are to be displayed in the Terminology Research Panel.
  15. Table for the Display Configuration of Term Attributes
    1. Attributes column: All term attributes that exist in your terminology system
    2. Database column: Your terminology system/the instance used
    3. Visible column: Select which term attributes are to be displayed in the Terminology Research Panel.
    4. Values column: Select which possible attribute values are to be displayed in the Terminology Research Panel.
 With SDL MultiTerm as terminology system

Settings for SDL MultiTerm


Attributes and attribute values from SDL MultiTerm must be stored manually in Congree. In the Settings Manager: Data Grooming, you can then configure the attributes for which additional terminology information is to be sent to SDL MultiTerm in the context of a term candidates extraction.

  1. Drop-down list Interface: Determine whether the web link is to point directly to MultiTerm Online or to another interface.
  2. Input screen URL: Enter the URL under which the authors can reach SDL MultiTerm.
Display Configuration

  1. Drop-down list Display configuration: Choose a name for your display configuration. In the Document menu, you can map your display configuration to a document-specific rule set.
    1. Create button: Create a new display configuration.
    2. Delete button: Delete the selected display configuration.
  2. Drop-down list for the SDL MultiTerm database: Select the SDL MultiTerm database from which you want to retrieve terms and terminology information.
  3. Drop-down list for the terminology filter: Optionally, select a terminology filter for the terms retrieved from SDL MultiTerm.
  4. Table for the term status selection: Select the attributes from SDL MultiTerm that you want to make available as term statuses in the Terminology Research Panel. Whenever you select an attribute, you can configure its display as term status in table 5.
  5. Table for the term status: Configure the color in which the individual term statuses are to be displayed.
    1. Value column: All term statuses that exist in your terminology system
    2. Database column: Your terminology system/the database used
    3. Term status column: The matching term statuses of the Congree Authoring Server
    4. Color column: Configure the colors in which the terms are to be displayed in the Terminology Research Panel.
  6. Show Synonyms option: Select this option to determine that synonyms are to be displayed in the Terminology Research Panel.
  7. Table for the Display Configuration of Synonyms
    1. Term status column: The term statuses for synonyms
    2. Database column: Your terminology system/the database used
    3. Visible column: Select which term statuses are to be displayed in the Terminology Research Panel.
  8. Show concept attributes option: Select this option to determine that concept attributes are to be displayed in the Terminology Research Panel.
  9. Table for the Display Configuration of Concept Attributes
    1. Attributes column: All concept attributes that exist in your terminology system
    2. Database column: Your terminology system/the database used
    3. Visible column: Select which concept attributes are to be displayed in the Terminology Research Panel.
    4. Values column: Select which possible attribute values are to be displayed in the Terminology Research Panel.
  10. Translations option: Select this option to define that translations are to be displayed in the Terminology Research Panel.
  11. Table for the Display Configuration of Translations
    1. Language column: Languages that exist in your terminology system
    2. Database column: Your terminology system/the instance used
    3. Visible column: Select which language translations are to be displayed in the Terminology Research Panel.
  12. Show language attributes option: Select this option to determine that language attributes are to be displayed in the Terminology Research Panel.
  13. Table for the Display Configuration of Language Attributes
    1. Attributes column: All language attributes that exist in your terminology system
    2. Database column: Your terminology system/the instance used
    3. Visible column: Select which language attributes are to be displayed in the Terminology Research Panel.
    4. Values column: Select which possible attribute values are to be displayed in the Terminology Research Panel.
  14. Show term attributes option: Select this option to determine that term attributes are to be displayed in the Terminology Research Panel.
  15. Table for the Display Configuration of Term Attributes
    1. Attributes column: All term attributes that exist in your terminology system
    2. Database column: Your terminology system/the instance used
    3. Visible column: Select which term attributes are to be displayed in the Terminology Research Panel.
    4. Values column: Select which possible attribute values are to be displayed in the Terminology Research Panel.
 With Interverbum TermWeb as terminology system

Terminology Research

  1. Drop-down list Interface: Select the interface that authors can access from within the Terminology Research Panel.
  2. Input screen URL: Enter the URL under which the authors can access Interverbum TermWeb.
  3. Drop-down list Display configuration: Choose a name for your display configuration. In the Document menu, you can map your display configuration to a document-specific rule set.
    1. Create button: Create a new display configuration.
    2. Delete button: Delete the selected display configuration.
  4. Drop-down list for the termbase: Select the termbase from Interverbum TermWeb from which you want to retrieve terms and terminology information.
  5. Drop-down list for the terminology filter: Optionally, select a terminology filter for the terms retrieved from Interverbum TermWeb.
  6. Table for the term status selection: Select the attributes from Interverbum TermWeb that you want to make available as term statuses in the Terminology Research Panel. Whenever you select an attribute, you can configure its display as term status in table 5.
  7. Table for the term status: Configure the color in which the individual term statuses are to be displayed.
    1. Value column: All term statuses that exist in your terminology system
    2. Database column: Your terminology system/the termbase used
    3. Term status column: The matching term statuses of the Congree Authoring Server
    4. Color column: Configure the colors in which the terms are to be displayed in the Terminology Research Panel.
  8. Show Synonyms option: Select this option to determine that synonyms are to be displayed in the Terminology Research Panel.
  9. Table for the Display Configuration of Synonyms
    1. Term status column: The term statuses for synonyms
    2. Database column: Your terminology system/the termbase used
    3. Visible column: Select which term statuses are to be displayed in the Terminology Research Panel.
  10. Show concept attributes option: Select this option to determine that concept attributes are to be displayed in the Terminology Research Panel.
  11. Table for the Display Configuration of Concept Attributes
    1. Attributes column: All concept attributes that exist in your terminology system
    2. Database column: Your terminology system/the termbase used
    3. Visible column: Select which concept attributes are to be displayed in the Terminology Research Panel.
    4. Values column: Select which possible attribute values are to be displayed in the Terminology Research Panel.
  12. Translations option: Select this option to define that translations are to be displayed in the Terminology Research Panel.
  13. Table for the Display Configuration of Translations
    1. Language column: Languages that exist in your terminology system
    2. Database column: Your terminology system/the termbase used
    3. Visible column: Select which language translations are to be displayed in the Terminology Research Panel.
  14. Show term attributes option: Select this option to determine that term attributes are to be displayed in the Terminology Research Panel.
  15. Table for the Display Configuration of Term Attributes
    1. Attributes column: All term attributes that exist in your terminology system
    2. Database column: Your terminology system/the termbase used
    3. Visible column: Select which term attributes are to be displayed in the Terminology Research Panel.
    4. Values column: Select which possible attribute values are to be displayed in the Terminology Research Panel.
 With Kaleidoscope quickTerm as terminology system

Terminology Research

  1. Drop-down list Interface: Select the interface that authors can access from within the Terminology Research Panel.
  2. Input screen URL: Enter the URL under which the authors can reach Kaleidoscope quickTerm.
  3. Drop-down list Display configuration: Choose a name for your display configuration. In the Document menu, you can map your display configuration to a document-specific rule set.
    1. Create button: Create a new display configuration.
    2. Delete button: Delete the selected display configuration.
  4. Drop-down list for the termbase: Select the termbase from Interverbum TermWeb from which you want to retrieve terms and terminology information.
  5. Drop-down list for the terminology filter: Optionally, select a terminology filter for the terms retrieved from Kaleidoscope quickTerm.
  6. Table for the term status selection: Select the attributes from Kaleidoscope quickTerm that you want to make available as term statuses in the Terminology Research Panel. Whenever you select an attribute, you can configure its display as term status in table 7.
  7. Table for the term status: Configure the color in which the individual term statuses are to be displayed.
    1. Value column: All term statuses that exist in your terminology system
    2. Database column: Your terminology system/the termbase used
    3. Term status column: The matching term statuses of the Congree Authoring Server
    4. Color column: Configure the colors in which the terms are to be displayed in the Terminology Research Panel.
  8. Show Synonyms option: Select this option to determine that synonyms are to be displayed in the Terminology Research Panel.
  9. Table for the Display Configuration of Synonyms
    1. Term status column: The term statuses for synonyms
    2. Database column: Your terminology system/the termbase used
    3. Visible column: Select which term statuses are to be displayed in the Terminology Research Panel.
  10. Show concept attributes option: Select this option to determine that concept attributes are to be displayed in the Terminology Research Panel.
  11. Table for the Display Configuration of Concept Attributes
    1. Attributes column: All concept attributes that exist in your terminology system
    2. Database column: Your terminology system/the termbase used
    3. Visible column: Select which concept attributes are to be displayed in the Terminology Research Panel.
    4. Values column: Select which possible attribute values are to be displayed in the Terminology Research Panel.
  12. Translations option: Select this option to define that translations are to be displayed in the Terminology Research Panel.
  13. Table for the Display Configuration of Translations
    1. Language column: Languages that exist in your terminology system
    2. Database column: Your terminology system/the termbase used
    3. Visible column: Select which language translations are to be displayed in the Terminology Research Panel.
  14. Show language attributes option: Select this option to determine that language attributes are to be displayed in the Terminology Research Panel.
  15. Table for the Display Configuration of Language Attributes
    1. Attributes column: All language attributes that exist in your terminology system
    2. Database column: Your terminology system/the termbase used
    3. Visible column: Select which language attributes are to be displayed in the Terminology Research Panel.
    4. Spalte Werte: Wählen Sie aus, welche möglichen Attributwerte im Fenster für Terminologierecherche angezeigt werdeValues column: Select which possible attribute values are to be displayed in the Terminology Research Panel.
  16. Show term attributes option: Select this option to determine that term attributes are to be displayed in the Terminology Research Panel.
  17. Table for the Display Configuration of Term Attributes
    1. Attributes column: All term attributes that exist in your terminology system
    2. Database column: Your terminology system/the termbase used
    3. Visible column: Select which term attributes are to be displayed in the Terminology Research Panel.
    4. Values column: Select which possible attribute values are to be displayed in the Terminology Research Panel.

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