Creating a Web Link to a Terminology System That Is Not Supported

Creating a Web Link to a Terminology System That Is Not Supported

If the authors are to call up a web link in the Terminology Research Panel that does not point to crossTerm Now, Web, SDL MultiTerm Online or Interverbum TermWeb, this can be configured in the Congree Control Center.


  • You are in the Terminology Research area of the global settings.
  • You know the web link that you want the authors to see.

How to Configure a Web Link to a Terminology System That Is Not Supported

  1. Open the drop-down list Interface and select Other:

  2. Go to the input screen URL. Here, you have two options:

  1. Under URL, enter the needed static URL.

  2. When authors click in the Terminology Research Panel, the stored link will be called up.

Option 2: How to Create a Link That Depends on Certain Attribute Values

  1. Under URL, specify the needed URL.

  2. Enter a curly bracket after actual URL.

      The following selection will open up:

  3. Select the attribute or property by means of which the web link is to be called up from within a terminology system supported by Congree.


    https://[URL web terminology]/browseTerms?entryID=${valueofattribute:entryID}

    → /browseTerms?entryID-=$ initiates a search in the web terminology via the web link to be displayed for the selected notification. {valueofattribute:entryID} represents the exact search criterion; in natural language, it means "search for the terminology entry in the web terminology that references the matching term in Across crossTerm, SDL MultiTerm or Interverbum TermWeb with the entry ID XYZ".

  4. When authors click in the Terminology Research Panel, the stored link will be called up. The attributes or properties entered with the URL determine which criteria the displayed contents correspond to.


You can also combine multiple attributes or properties.

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