Data Grooming Manager

Data Grooming Manager

The Data Grooming Manager features three main menus: Authoring Memory, Document Check and Terminology.

In the Authoring Memory menu, you can manage, process, and evaluate candidates proposed by the authors for the Authoring Memory. Sentences that you release in the Data Grooming Manager will be made available directly to the authors in the Authoring Memory. In this way, it is no longer necessary to take the detour via the translation and the underlying translation memory.

Moreover, the Data Grooming Manager allows you to challenge proposals from the Authoring Memory.

The Document Check menu enables you to have several XML documents checked by the Language Check at the same time, consisting of the Congree Language Check and optional term candidates extraction.

The Terminology menu serves the management of term candidates. Terms proposed in the Congree Authoring Client for inclusion in the terminology can here be exported to Across crossTerm or SDL MultiTerm.

Overview of the Menu Levels of the Data Grooming Manager

The following table shows the various menus of the Data Grooming Manager and allocates them to three menu levels:

Data Grooming ManagerAuthoring MemoryCandidatesCandidates Pool
My Candidates
ApprovedApproved Pool
My Approved
DiscardedDiscarded Pool
My Discarded

Challenged Pool

My Challenged
My proposals
Document check

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