Data Grooming Manager: Terminology

Data Grooming Manager: Terminology

The Terminology of the Data Grooming Manager serves the evaluation of term candidates proposed by authors in the Congree Authoring Client.

Overview of the Terminology Menu

  1. Back button: Go to the overview of available Congree Managers.
  2. Activated Managers: Go to another Manager.
  3. Parent menus: Switch between the menus Authoring Memory and Terminology.
  4. Refresh button: Refresh the list of term candidates.
  5. Select all button: Activate all checkboxes in the list of term candidates.
  6. Unselect all button: Deactivate all checkboxes in the list of term candidates.
  7. Delete button: Delete a candidate from the list of term candidates. The term will continue to be extracted as a term candidate in the Congree Authoring Client and can thus be proposed anew.
  8. Approve button: Include a term in your corporate terminology.
  9. Discard button: Refuse the inclusion in your corporate terminology. The discarded term will not longer be extracted as a term candidate in the Congree Authoring Client. The discarded term will be stored for the interacting Style Guide in the Term Candidates Filter menu in Congree UMMT.
  10. Discard globally button: Refuse the inclusion in your corporate terminology. The discarded term will not longer be extracted as a term candidate in the Congree Authoring Client. The discarded term will be stored for all known Style Guides in the Term Candidates Filter menu in Congree UMMT.
  11. List of term candidates
    1. Checkbox: Select a term candidate or undo an existing selection.
    2. Id column: Unique identifier of the term candidate
    3. Candidate column: The term candidate
    4. Creation column: Time of proposal of the term candidate
    5. Creator column: The author who proposed the term candidate
    6. Language column: The language of the term candidate
    7. Rule set column: The document-specific rule set that was active in the Congree Authoring Client when the term candidate was proposed
    8. Instance name column: The instance to which approved terms are imported
    9. Proposal status column: The proposal status describes how the term candidate was extracted.Automatic refers to the extraction by the Congree Linguistic Engine, and manual refers to the extraction by the author.
    10. Relations column: Possible additional terminology information
    11. Definition column: Possible additional terminology information
    12. Gender column: Possible additional terminology information
    13. Number column: Possible additional terminology information
    14. Part of speech column: Possible additional terminology information
    15. Usage column: Possible additional terminology information
    16. Topic ID column: Possible additional terminology information
    17. Source column: Possible additional terminology information
    18. Proposed by column: Possible additional terminology information
    19. Context column: Possible additional terminology information
    20. Note column: Possible additional terminology information
    21. Number of term candidates in the table
  12. Creation history table: Details of the proposed term
    1. Creator column: Authors who previously proposed the term
    2. Creation column: Times of proposal of the terms
    3. Context column: Previous or current sentence contexts of the term
    4. Best context column: Select the most relevant sentence context to be exported to the terminology database along with the term.

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