Settings Manager: Third-Party Systems

Settings Manager: Third-Party Systems

In the Third-Party System menu, you can configure settings for your individual third-party systems.


You can only select third-party systems for which your license includes a Congree plugin.

The individual areas of the menu are listed below.

The selected third-party system determines which areas are shown.

Overview of the Third-Party System Area


In the drop-down list Third-party system, you can also select the Congree Proxy Client and the Congree Bulk Check Service.

  1. Drop-down list for selecting the third-party system to which the following settings are to apply.
  2. Clone button: Create a clone of the selected third-party system configuration. For example, this is necessary if the Congree Bulk Check Service is used in various third-party systems throughout the company and these usage scenarios require separate configurations.
  3. Edit button: Open a window in order to change the name of a cloned third-party system configuration:
  4. Delete button: Delete a cloned third-party system configuration.

Overview of the Identifier Area


The Identifier area will only exist when you are in the cloned third-party system configuration.

  1. Edit button: Determine an identifier. This is a character string with which you can identify a cloned third-party system configuration. If systems use the Congree Bulk Check Service, it can send an identifier to Congree.
  2. Drop-down list for groups: With this option, you can determine that users of the third-party system be created as Congree users when they log in for the first time using the authentication methods trust CMS, trust Windows, and trust domain. From the drop-down list, select the group the users of the third-party system are to be assigned to the first time they log in.


More about the topic of identifiers is available here: Workflow Instructions: Working with identifiers for third-party systems

Overview of the Authentication Settings Area


The Authentication Settings area is not available for the Congree Bulk Check Service.

  1. Drop-down list for the authentication method: Determine which login method is to be selected by default for the Congree Authoring Client. Available options: The normal Congree login (Congree), the authentication via Windows user data (Trust Windows), your domain (Trust Domain), and the authentication via CMS user data (Trust CMS).
  2. Log into Congree when the first document is opened: Activate this option so that authors are logged in to the Congree Authoring Client when they open the first document.
  3. Allow user to log out manually: This option is selected by default. Deactivate the option in order to disable the logout with the Log out button in the Congree Authoring Client. Deactivation is possible only if authentication via Windows, domain, or CMS user data has been selected.
  4. Show login dialog option: This option is selected by default. Deactivate the option in order to be logged in directly without the login dialog. Deactivation is possible only if authentication via Windows, domain, or CMS user data has been selected.
  5. Leave Congree turned off after login option: Activate this option in order to leave the Congree Authoring Client turned off after the login.

Overview of the Performance Area


The Authentication Settings area is not available for the Congree Bulk Check Service.

  1. Input area Delay in ms before a server request is initiated: Specify the time in milliseconds after which the real-time check is to react to your text input.
  2. Enable result caching for Check Document and Check Section option: Specify whether the results of the document and section checks are to be cached. If you activate this option, the entire document or section will not be checked anew when you check the document or section again. Instead, only the changed paragraphs will be checked.

Overview of the Bulk Check Service Area


The Bulk Check Service area is only available for the Congree Bulk Check Service.

Overview of the Allowed Document-Specific Rule Sets Area

  1. Drop-down list of document-specific rule sets: Select the document-specific rule sets to be available for selection in the respective editor. In this way, rule sets that might not be suitable for use in a particular editor can be excluded from being displayed in the first place in the respective editor.

Overview of the Congree Web Interface Area


The Congree Web Interface area is only available for the Congree Web Interface.

  1. Rule column: Determine the rules according to which document-specific rule sets are to be displayed for the Congree Web Interface. In natural language, the example rule shown here means: "If an attribute from the third-party system has the value 1 and another one has the value 2, offer the authors the document-specific rule set Compathy_DITA".
  2. Rule set(s) column: From the drop-down list, select the rule set(s) for which you have defined the respective rule.

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