Configuring the Character Transformation

Configuring the Character Transformation

In the Character Transformation area, you can determine how the Congree Linguistic Engine is to handle certain character strings.

This Congree function is useful for application cases such as the following:

  • You use certain XML elements that serve as entities in the text and that should also be interpreted as such, e.g. <special_character szHexcode="00A0"> </special_character> as a no-break space.
  • There are certain words that you always want the Congree Linguistic Engine to view as correct, e.g. "Compathy" as product name.

Moreover, it is possible to get a special correction proposal in the Language Check Panel when a certain character string is entered.


  • The Congree Language Check is installed.
  • You are in the Document menu of the Settings Manager in the Congree Control Center.

How to Configure How a Certain Character String Is to Be Treated

  1. Under String, indicate which character string the Congree Linguistic Engine is to treat in a special way. You can enter a certain word, elements, or regular expressions.

  2. Under Operation, indicate what Congree should do with the string. Replace replaces the character string with another character string. For example, certain product names can be replaced by a variable. Remove removes the character string from being processing by the Congree Linguistic Engine. In this way, you can specify, for example, that the Congree Linguistic Engine processes a name with special characters (such as ©) as if the special character did not exist.

  3. Under Transformation, enter what the character string should be transformed to. Above this, you can define how the Congree Linguistic Engine is to read the character string. If in Operation the Remove option has been selected, Transformation is not possible.

  4. Under Target, select the option Language Check.

  5. Select a Search mode. The search mode depends on whether you want to search for a certain character string or a regular expression. Moreover, you need to decide whether the search is to be case-sensitive. The following search modes are available:

  6. Click the Save button of the Document menu.

    1. A message for scheduling or performing a new compilation will be displayed.

  7. Select one of the two options offered.

  8. Following the successful compilation, your stored character string will be recognized correctly by the Congree Linguistic Engine.


In the company, <special_character szHexcode="00A0"> </special_character> represents a no-break space. The Congree Linguistic Engine is unable to interpret it correctly. Therefore, you can store the special character under Character string and enter the conventional spelling &nbsp; in Transformation. Following the successful compilation, the Congree Linguistic Engine will duly recognize <special_character szHexcode="00A0"> </special_character> as a no-break space.

How to Configure That a Certain Character String is Returned as a Correction Proposal in the Language Check Panel

  1. Under Character string, indicate for which character string the Congree Linguistic Engine is to return a particular correction proposal. You can enter a certain word, elements, or regular expressions.

  2. Under Transformation, enter how the Congree Linguistic Engine is to read the character string.

  3. Under Target, select the option Correction proposals.

  4. Select a Search mode. The search mode depends on whether you want to search for a certain character string or a regular expression. Moreover, you need to decide whether the search is to be case-sensitive. The following search modes are available:

  5. Click the Save button of the Document menu.

    1. A message for scheduling or performing a new compilation will be displayed.

  6. Select one of the two options offered.

  7. Following the successful compilation, your stored character string will be recognized correctly by the Congree Linguistic Engine.


The texts of your company frequently contain non-printable characters in the form \xnn or \unnnn, e.g. \xA0 or \u00A0. You can store \xnn or \unnnn in Character string and enter a printable alternative in the Transformation field. This alternative character string will be proposed to the authors in the Language Check Panel in the Congree Authoring Client whenever characters in the form \xnn or \unnnn occur in the text.

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