Configuring the Behavior of the Congree Language Check

Configuring the Behavior of the Congree Language Check

In the Congree Congree Center, you can determine how the Congree Language Check is to treat certain elements and formats.


When adding check entities whose names are not XML-compliant, be sure to observe the transformation rules for spaces or other characters that are not permitted in XML element names.


  • The Congree Language Check is installed.
  • You are in the Document menu of the Settings Manager in the Congree Control Center.


If you have already configured and exported paragraph recognition settings, you can import the XML document by clicking the Import button.

Configuring the Paragraph Recognition: Elements

  1. Identify the structure elements of your documents, i.e. all utilized XML elements or style templates.
  2. Apply the following steps to all structure elements.
  3. Click into a free cell in the Check entities column and enter a structure element.
  4. If the element is embedded in another element, enter the parent element under Parents.
  5. If the behavior of the Language Check is to apply to the element only if it has a specific attribute, enter the respective attribute under Attributes.
  6. Under Treatment, determine how the Congree Language Check is to handle the text within an element, e.g. Check.
  7. If you selected the option Check as Treatment, click the pen button under Rules.

    1. The Select rules panel will open up:
  8. Select all rules that the Congree Language Check is to apply to the element. By default, all available rules are selected.
  9. Click OK.
  10. Optional: Map the element to a Congree class.
  11. You have fully configured the treatment of the element.


If you add an element that already exists in the list of inline elements, you can store it under Elements only with the nested treatment. If you try to create the element with a different treatment, you will receive a warning and be unable to save your configuration.

Configuring the Paragraph Recognition: Inline Elements

  1. Identify the inline elements that occur in your documents.
  2. Apply the following steps to all inline elements.
  3. Click into a free cell in the Inline element column and enter an inline element element.
  4. If the inline element is embedded in another element, enter the parent element under Parents.
  5. If the behavior of the Language Check is to apply to the inline element only if it has a specific attribute, enter the respective attribute under Attributes.
  6. Under Treatment, determine how the Congree Language Check is to handle the text within an inline element, e.g. Check.
  7. Under Protected, select whether the inline element is to be treated as a protected inline element.
  8. You have fully configured the treatment of the inline element.


If you add an inline element that already exists in the list of elements, you can store it under Inline elements only with the nested treatment. If you try to create the inline element with a different treatment, you receive a warning and will be unable to save your configuration.

This means that you can create one element and one identical inline element each with the nested treatment.


If Language Check specifics have to be defined, the respective column will be completed by Congree Language Technologies GmbH.

Language Check specifics are also possible for nested inline elements.

Saving a Project

The first time the document-specific rule set is stored, a project will automatically be created for the Congree Language Check under the same name from the information provided.

Whenever the document-specific rule set is stored anew, the system will query whether the Paragraph recognition settings have changed. The project change will be saved accordingly for the Congree Language Check.

Compiling a Project

The SyncCenter of the Congree Control Center will be notified automatically whenever the paragraph recognition or the Congree Language Check configuration of a document-specific rule set has changed.

When saving a document-specific rule set with changed paragraph recognition settings or Congree Language Check configuration, a notification for planning or performing a new compilation will also appear.

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