Flexible Settings in the Congree Authoring Client

Flexible Settings in the Congree Authoring Client


"Flexible Settings" are based on the idea that certain Congree properties are to adapt automatically to the text in the editor, i.e. that certain elements or other rules trigger the selection of a particular Congree setting.

If flexible settings have been created for a document-specific rule set in the Congree Control Center, the Congree Authoring Client will automatically apply a defined setting if the respective XML element occurs in your text.

Check results determined under consideration of flexible settings will be duly marked.


The following flexible settings have been created in the Congree Control Center:

If in Congree Authoring Client the XML-Element <topic>with attribute xml:lang and value "EN" occurs in a document, the following happens:

  1. English matches are displayed in the Authoring Memory window. This also happens if the underlying document-specific rule set has a document language other than English.
  2. An English style guide will be used for the Language Check. This also happens if the underlying document-specific rule set has a document language other than English.


In the same way, it is possible to create a document-specific rule set that can be used in the Congree Authoring Client for two languages at the same time.

The resulting notifications will be marked with a triangle icon. When you move over the icon with the mouse pointer, a tooltip providing information on the applied setting will be displayed:


If flexible settings have been set up that entail results in a certain language, the results will adapt to the respective language in the Terminology Research Panel. In other words, if the Language Check for a section is performed in a certain language or sentences are displayed in a certain language in the Authoring Memory, the Terminology Research Panel results will correspond to this language.

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