Automatically collecting and approving sentences

Automatically collecting and approving sentences

You can configure how Authoring Memory Candidates are collected and automatically processed in the Congree Authoring Client. 

You have a variety of options:


You are in the Congree Control Center, Settings Manager, Data Grooming menu.

How to create a configuration

  1. In the Authoring Memory Candidates area, open the Language drop-down list and select a suitable language.

  2. Select a existing configuration in Configuration.

    Alternative options:

    1. Click Create to create a new configuration.

    2. Click Clone to duplicate an existing configuration.

    3. Click Delete to delete an existing configuration.

  3. You can edit the selected configuration.


When selecting the language, note that it must match the language of the document-specific rule set the configuration is to apply to.

To configure that all sentences are collected

  1. Under Collect candidates click always:

    1. Click Save.

    2. Your settings have been saved.

  2. The following applies to the document-specific rule set the configuration is selected for: All sentences that are not yet in the Authoring Memory are collected in the Authoring Memory Candidates panel in the Congree Authoring Client.

How to configure not to collect any sentences

  1. Under Collect candidates, click never:

    1. Click Save.

    2. Your settings have been saved.

  2. The following applies to the document-specific rule set the configuration is selected for: All sentences that are not yet in Authoring Memory are collected in the Authoring Memory Candidates Panel in the Congree Authoring Client.

To configure that specific sentences are collected

  1. Under Collect candidates click under certain conditions:

  2. If you only want to collect sentences as of a specific release level, enable the If release level is higher than [...] option.

    To define the release level, you can

    1. enter the number in the input screen or

    2. set the number using the arrow buttons.

  3. If you want to only collect sentences with a certain similarity, enable the at a similarity of [...] option.

    Do the following to define the similarity:

    1. Use the first drop-down list to select whether the similarity should be smaller or greater than the value to be defined:

    2. To specify the similarity, you can

      1. enter the number in the input screen or

      2. set the number using the arrow buttons.

  4. If you only want to collect sentences for which there aren't any notifications in specific notification categories, enable the option if there are no notifications for the following categories.

    To define the categories, enable them in the option:

  5. If you only want to collect sentences without any notifications for specific rules, enable the option if there aren't any notifications for the following rules.

    To select the rules, do the following:

    1. Click Select....

      1. The Select rules window will open up:

    2. Click on all rules for sentences that are not to be collected as Authoring Memory candidates.

    3. Click OK.

      1. The window will close.

    4. All disabled rules can be seen in the table.

  6. If you only want to collect sentences for which certain metadata exists, enable the if the expected metadata is found option.

    To enter metadata, do the following:

    1. Add a new table row by clicking Click here to add a new row.

    2. Select an attribute and values. You must define one of the following triggers:

      • Attribute exists: Only sentences with this attribute are collected.
      • Attribute is missing: Only sentences without the selected attribute are collected.
      • Value exists: Only sentences with the specified value for the attribute are collected.
      • Value is missing: Only sentences in which the attribute does not have the specified value are collected.
  7. Click Save.

    1. Your settings have been saved.

  8. The following applies to the document-specific rule set the configuration is selected for: All sentences that meet the criteria defined here are shown in the Authoring Memory Candidates Panel in the Congree Authoring Client.

To configure that all of the proposed sentences are automatically added to the Authoring Memory

  1. Under Automatically approve candidates click always:

    1. Click Save.

    2. Your settings have been saved.

  2. The following applies to the document-specific rule set the configuration is selected for: All sentences proposed in the Authoring Memory Candidates panel in the Congree Authoring Client go straight into the Authoring Memory.

To configure that proposed sentences have to be manually evaluated

  1. Under Automatically approve candidates click never:

    1. Click Save.

    2. Your settings have been saved.

  2. The following applies to the document-specific rule set the configuration is selected for: Sentences proposed in the Authoring Memory Candidates panel in the Congree Authoring Client must be evaluated manually.

To configure that specific proposed sentence are automatically added to the Authoring Memory

  1. UnderApprove candidates automatically, click under certain conditions:

  2. If you only want to automatically approve sentences as of a certain release level, enable the if release level is higher than [...] option.

    To define the release level, you can

    1. enter the number in the input screen or

    2. set the number using the arrow buttons.

  3. If you want only sentences with a certain similarity to be approved automatically, enable the at a similarity of [...] option.

    Do the following to define the similarity:

    1. Use the first drop-down list to select whether the similarity should be smaller or greater than the value to be defined:

    2. To specify the similarity, you can

      1. enter the number in the input screen or

      2. set the number using the arrow buttons.

  4. If you want sentences to only be approved automatically if there are no notifications in certain notification categories, enable the if there are no notifications for the following categories option.

    To define the categories, enable them in the option:

  5. If you want sentences to be approved automatically only if there are no notifications for certain rules, enable the if there are no notifications for the following rules option.

    To select the rules, do the following:

    1. Click Select....

      1. The Select rules window will open up:

    2. Click on all rules for sentences that are not to be automatically approved after being proposed.

    3. Click OK.

      1. The window will close.

    4. All disabled rules can be seen in the table.

  6. If you want only sentences to be approved automatically when certain metadata is present, enable the if the expected metadata is found option.

    To enter metadata, do the following:

    1. Add a new table row by clicking Click here to add a new row.

    2. Select an attribute and values. You must define one of the following triggers:

      • Attribute exists: Only sentences with this attribute are automatically approved.
      • Attribute is missing: Only sentences without the selected attribute are automatically approved.
      • Value exists: Only sentences with the specified value for the attribute are automatically approved.
      • Value is missing: Only sentences in which the attribute does not have the specified value are automatically approved.
  7. Click Save.

    1. Your settings have been saved.

  8. The following applies to the document-specific rule set the configuration is selected for: All of the sentences that meet the criteria defined here are automatically approved after being proposed.

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