Settings for Structure Information in Congree Data Grooming

Settings for Structure Information in Congree Data Grooming

To save structure information for sentences while working with Congree Data Grooming, a setting must first be configured.


  • You are in the Data Grooming menu in the Settings Manager of the the Congree Control Center.
  • Your Authoring Memory contains sentences with structure attributes.
  • You have already mapped Across structure attributes to Congree classes (see Global Settings) and allocated Congree classes to document-specific XML elements (see Document-Specific Settings).

How to save structure information in Congree Data Grooming:

  1. Under Structure information, activate the option Save structure information for each candidate:
  2. Click the Save button in order to save your configuration.
  3. When evaluating Authoring Memory Candidates with structure information, the structure information will be saved to the Authoring Memory.


If structure information exists for sentences, it will be displayed in the optional table column Congree class. This column is available in the Column Chooser and can be integrated in Data Grooming tables:

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