Congree Installation and Platform Guide

Congree Installation and Platform Guide

This documentation provides an overview of the Congree Platform, i.e. of all Congree server components. The documentation describes the various components as well as the installation procedure with the Congree Deployment Assistant. The monitoring of the Congree server components with the Congree Health System is explained as well.


User Groups

IT System Administrators

IT system administrators plan the system environment, install the Congree components in the enterprise-specific IT environment, and ensure smooth operation.


Information, Tip, Note



Additional information for better understanding



Tip on working efficiently


Important note to avoid problems

Text Markups

the "Settings" dialog

User interface label


File name

Actions to be Performed

  1. Correct the error.
  2. Click "Check again".

Actions are numbered consecutively.

  1. The "Check document" will open up.

The arrow indicates system reactions.

You have several options:

  • Replace the faulty text.
  • Click "Apply correction".

Circles mean: You have several action options.

  1. The error has been successfully corrected.

The equals sign indicates the result of a successfully performed action.

  1. The notification "The document does not contain any passages to be checked" is displayed.

The not equals sign indicates potentially undesirable results.

  • The sentence will be inserted in your document.
The box enables you to document which actions have already been performed and which results have already been achieved in the course of your evaluation.

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