Installing Congree Components

Installing Congree Components

In the Install Congree Components menu of the Deployment Assistant, you can perform a Congree installation. The system requirements will automatically be checked during the installation.


The Deployment Assistant will check whether the applicable Congree system requirements are met. This will be done in the course of the verification of your configuration.

Overview of the Install Congree Components Menu

  1. Back button: Go to the Deployment Assistant start menu.
  2. Input field for host name or IP address: Specify the host name or the IP address of the host on which you performed the installation configuration.
  3. Verify button: Verify that the configuration is viable and the system requirements are met.
  4. Progress display: The progress/status of the verification, system requirements, editor check, and installation is displayed here.
  5. Install button: Install your configuration.
  6. Close button: Close the Congree Deployment Assistant.
  7. Version number: The Congree version number of the Deployment Assistant

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