Congree Core Server Backend

Congree Core Server Backend

The Congree Core Server backend consists of the Congree databases. The databases are addressed by the Congree Core Server.

Congree Settings Database

The Congree Settings Database is a database in which all Congree settings (both Client and Control Center-side) are stored. The Congree Settings Database is required to start the Congree Authoring Client and access the settings in the Congree Control Center.

Congree Data Grooming Database

All Data Grooming functions and all Data Grooming settings are stored in the Congree Data Grooming Database. This database is thus needed for the use of Congree Data Grooming.

Congree User Management Database

All Congree users, groups and roles are stored in the Congree User Management Database. This database is required for the Congree user management.

Congree Linguistic Database German

The Congree Linguistic Database German contains Style Guides for the German language.

Congree Linguistic Database English

The Congree Linguistic Database English contains Style Guides for the Language Check for the English language.

Congree Linguistic Database French

The Congree Linguistic Database French contains Style Guides for the French language.

Congree Linguistic Database Spanish

The Congree Linguistic Database Spanish contains Style Guides for the Spanish language.

Congree Jobs Database

The Congree Jobs Database contains the provision orders created in the SyncCenter.

Congree Reporting Database

The Congree Reporting Database contains reports generated in the Congree Authoring Client as well as statistical data concerning the reports.

Congree Licensing Database

Your Congree license is stored in the Congree Licensing Database.

Congree Authoring Memory Database

In the Congree Authoring Memory Database, all Congree Authoring Memory sentences are stored.

Congree TermTiger Database

In the Congree TermTiger Database, all terminology data imported by TermTiger is stored.

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