Updating Congree

Updating Congree


You have received the current version of the Congree Deployment Assistant from Congree.



For the update, the Congree Deployment Assistant must be run with administrator rights.

  1. Open the Congree Deployment Assistant with administrator rights.

  2. Click Update.

    1. The Install Congree Components menu will open up.

    2. The Congree Deployment Assistant will check whether any Congree components are in use, whether all system requirements are met, and which editors are installed.

    3. The Congree Deployment Assistant will list the components to be updated.

    4. The Congree Deployment Assistant will uninstall the components and reinstall them in the new version.

      All configurations will of course be retained.

  3. The update has been successfully completed.

    If you have updated Congree on a server host: Restart the server host.


During the verification process before the actual update, the required database authorization is also verified. This is done in the following steps:

  • Verify whether the Congree user exists
    • If not: The SQL user configured in the Congree Deployment Assistant is used to create the Congree user.
      • If this fails: The person installing the software is prompted to enter valid credentials.
        • If the credentials are incorrect, verification of database authorization fails.

Important: If a database already exists, authorizations for database and user creation are not relevant. In this case, database authorization verification is also successful under the conditions mentioned above.


Normally, the update will proceed automatically after the first click (see step 2).

Should problems occur, the Congree Deployment Assistant will try to solve them. User interaction is only required in rare cases. Examples are shown in the table. If you problem is not listed please feel free to contact the Congree support desk.


Congree cannot be updated as long as Congree components are running.

Close all open Congree components and all editors with Congree integration.

Congree cannot be updated because your configuration is not viable.

Go to the Configure menu and check your configuration for components that are no assigned or configured.

This error can occur when using the Across Language Server as third-party software.
  1. Check whether the URL can be reached.
    1. To do so, start a browser of your choice on the host on which the crossTerm API is installed.
    2. Open http://localhost/Across/crossTerm/api/v1 in your browser.
      In a multi-server environment, also check whether the API can be reached from other hosts.
      (Fehler) An error occurs: The crossTerm API cannot be reached -> proceed with point 3.
      (Haken) A service is opened: The crossTerm API can be reached -> proceed with point 4.
  2. If an error occurs while checking the reachability, proceed as follows:
    1. Review the Across log file. By default, it is called Across.Services.CrossTerm.log and is located in C:\Program Files (x86)\across\log.
      • If the log folder should have changed: By default, it is defined in the registry in HKLM\Wow6432Node\across in the value LogPath.
    2. If the login data are invalid, modify the Across.Services.CrossTerm.config (default location: C:\Program Files (x86)\across\AcrossServices\crossTerm).
      • The password must be entered in plain text. By default, this is the password of the Across user Default.
  3. If the crossTerm API can be reached, but you have received the error message nevertheless:
    1. Check your configuration of the server components for the Congree Back End Connector for Across. Has the correct password been entered for the Across user for Congree?
    2. Check your Across Server. (Licensed? All services running?)

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