Storing an abbreviation

Storing an abbreviation

Store an abbreviation that is not included in the Congree system lexicon, enabling Congree to correctly analyze the abbreviation.


You are here: Style Guide – User Lexicon – Abbreviations

How to store an abbreviation

  1. Click Add:

    1. The Add entry panel will open up:

  2. Enter the abbreviation you want to store in Abbreviation:

  3. Under Part of compound, specify whether the abbreviation may be part of a compound word. If you enable the checkbox, the abbreviation will also be recognized as part of a compound word:

    If the checkbox is not enabled, the abbreviation will only be recognized on its own.

  4. Store the long form of your abbreviation in Long form:

  5. Optional:

    Enter a plural form or specify that the abbreviation is only plural:

    1. In Number, click the Cases button:

      1. The Number panel will open up:

    2. You have various options:

      1. The abbreviation is plural only: Enable This word is plural only and click Save to close the panel.

      2. The abbreviation is both singular and plural: Store the plural in These are (the) and click Save to close the panel.

      3. The abbreviation has no plural: Click Cancel to close the panel.

  6. Assign a status: The status indicates whether and how the Congree Linguistic Engine considers a user lexicon entry.

    There are three options:

    1. : The Congree Linguistic Engine considers a user lexicon entry
    2. : The Congree Linguistic Engine does not consider a user lexicon entry.
    3. : The Congree Linguistic Engine does not consider a user lexicon entry because you have not assigned a status yet.
  7. Optional: Store a comment.

  8. You have two options:

    1. To store another abbreviation, enable the Add another entry checkbox. Then click Add:

      1. The form is empty again.

      2. The abbreviation has been stored successfully.

    2. To store the abbreviation and return to the table, click Add:

      1. The panel will close.

  9. The abbreviation has been stored successfully.

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