Storing a Synonymy Relationship

Storing a Synonymy Relationship

In the Synonyms menu, you can store both directed and bidirectional synonym relationships.


You are here: Style Guide - Synonyms

To enter a synonym relationship

  1. Click on Add a row (+):
    -> A new row is added:

  2. Enter a word under Word.

  3. Under Synonyms, enter its synonym or synonyms. If you want to enter several synonyms, separate them with commas without using a space, e.g. cable connection,cable contact.

  4. Now click on the arrow in the Synonymity column to select the desired type between the two types of synonym relationships. You have two options:
    a. If the word in the Synonyms column is to be synonymous with the word in the Word column, but not vice versa, select the directed synonymy. This is indicated by the following arrow: →
    b. If the word in the Synonyms column is to be synonymous with the word in the Word column and this should also apply vice versa, select bidirectional synonymy. This is indicated by the following arrow: ↔

If you are not sure which type of synonym relationship you need to specify, you can find background information and examples here: Directional and bidirectional synonymy

  1. You can select individual lines by clicking in this column.

  2. Click on the Delete button to remove the rows selected in 5.

Always enter synonyms as compound nouns. This allows the Linguistic Engine to resolve potential ambiguities when generating the synonym file, such as "display" with the synonyms "advertisement" and "display".
If you want to synonymize the words "user" and "user", enter the compound "useraccount" as a synonym for "useraccount", for example. Proceed in the same way for ambiguous words with "Kleinanzeige" - "Kleinannonce" and "Bildschirmanzeige" - "Bildschirmdisplay".

Words that are to be defined as synonyms must not be compounds themselves. For example, it is not possible to link the word "bank" with the compound "credit institution" using the procedure described above.

All changes in the Style Guide Manager are only available after compilation. Compilation takes place automatically with the next TermSync. You can also start the compilation manually as described on this page: SyncCenter - Linguistic Compiler


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