Style Guide – Terminology – Variant recognition

Style Guide – Terminology – Variant recognition

In addition to negative terms, the terminology check also determines spelling and synonym variants of stored preferred terms. In this table, you can specify which term variant patterns should be active for the entry of preferred terms.


  1. Search window

  2. Candidates filter button: Switch to the Candidates filter submenu.

  3. Refresh button: Display the latest status of your terminology configuration.

Table: Select which patterns should be active for term variant recognition in your terminology configuration.

  1. checkbox: Activate the checkbox for each term variant pattern that Congree should recognize in the current terminology configuration.

  2. Rule column: This column contains rule names that represent the pattern for term variant recognition

  3. column Description: exact explanations of the respective rule description from the Rule column

  4. Example column: Examples that show for which term variants the respective rule would apply

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