Creating a rule configuration

Creating a rule configuration

There are different approaches to creating a rule configuration, depending on whether a rule configuration is to be adopted from a template, adapted or created from scratch. The basic procedure for creating a rule configuration is always the same. It consists of two steps, which are referred to below as start and configuration.

Step 1: Start

  1. Go to the area for managing rule configurations:

  1. Select a language for your rule configuration under Language. You can choose between German, English, French and Spanish.

  2. Under Sublanguage, select a sublanguage for your rule configuration.

  3. Click on Create:
    -> The following window opens:


You have the following options in this window:

  1. Enter a unique name for your configuration.

  2. No preselection: You can start here with an empty rule configuration.

  3. Select one of the other options to create a preconfigured selection.

  4. Create: Confirm the selection and create the rule configuration under the selected name.

  5. Close: Close the window. The configuration is not saved. Your selections will be discarded.

Step 2: Configuration

You can adjust a rule configuration immediately after creating it or later.

Overview of the rule configuration:

  1. Specify the language and sublanguage.

  2. Then select the configuration. As soon as you have selected a configuration here, the individual rules are displayed in the lower part of the window.

  3. The individual rules are divided into five categories. Select the individual categories to activate the rules there.
    - Spelling: Spelling
    - Grammar: Grammar
    - Terminology: Terminology
    - Style: Style
    - Abbreviations: Abbreviations

  4. Search window: You can search for a specific rule within the activated category here - use either parts of the rule code or the description to do this

  5. Undo/Save Changes: The changes only become active when you click on Save Changes. Conversely, use Undo to undo the changes.

  6. Checkboxes: Check the boxes for all the rules you want to apply. Click on the box in the column header to activate or deactivate all rules in this category.

  7. Rule column: The unique ID of each rule.

  8. Description column: The short description for each rule.

  9. Count column: Some rules have a counter for rule adjustment, e.g. rules that deal with a maximum permitted sentence length. To adjust the counter, click on the number and select the desired value.

  10. Information column: Additional information on the rule, e.g. information on which rules are mutually exclusive.

  11. Refresh button: Display the latest status of your rule configuration. Make sure that two people are not working on the same rule configuration at the same time.

Some categories contain more rules than can be displayed on one page. In this case, scroll through the pages at the bottom right.

Please note
Changes to the rule configuration can have a major impact on the language check. It is best to make a note of the changes and inform your team about them.

All changes in the Style Guide Manager are only available after compilation. Compilation takes place automatically with the next TermSync. You can also start the compilation manually as described on this page: SyncCenter - Linguistic Compiler




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