Managing Notification Text Configurations

Managing Notification Text Configurations


You are in the Notifications menu.

How to create a notification text

  1. Go to the area of managing notification text configurations:

  2. In Language select the language for your notification text configuration. You can choose between German, English, French and Spanish.

  3. In Sublanguage select the sublanguage for your notification text configuration.

  4. Click Create:

    1. The following window will open up:

  5. Enter a name for your configuration.

  6. Click Create.

  7. The window will close.

  8. You have created a notification text configuration.

How to clone a notification text configuration

  1. Select a notification text configuration in Configuration.

  2. Click Clone configuration:

  3. The following window will open up:

  4. Enter a name for your cloned configuration.

  5. Click Clone.

  6. The window will close.

  7. Your notification text configuration has been successfully cloned.

How to rename a notification text configuration

  1. Select a notification text configuration in Configuration.

  2. Click Edit configuration

  3. The following window will open up:

  4. Change the previous name of the notification text configuration.

  5. Click Edit.

  6. The window will close.

  7. Your notification text configuration has been successfully renamed.

How to delete a notification text configuration

  1. In Configuration, select the notification text configuration that you want to delete.

  2. Click Delete configuration

  3. The following window will open up:

  4. Click Delete to delete it.

  5. The window will close.

  6. Your notification text configuration has been successfully deleted.

How to export a notification text configuration

  1. In Configuration, select the notification text configuration you want to export.

  2. Click Export configuration

  3. The following window will open up:

  4. Click Export.

  5. The window will close.

  6. A green bar appears with the notification Export successful.

  7. Your notification text configuration has been successfully exported.

  8. By default, the file is exported to your Downloads folder in Windows Explorer.

How to import a notification configuration

  1. In Configuration, select the notification text configuration you want to export.

  2. Click Import configuration

  3. The following window will open up:

  4. Click Select file

  5. The following window will open up:

  6. Select the .settings file and click Import.

  7. The window will close and the following view will appear:

  8. Click Import.

  9. The window will close.

  10. The notification text configuration has been imported successfully.

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