Refreshing Hives

Refreshing Hives

If you grab candidates for processing while new candidates are submitted and processed, your candidates hive will not be refreshed automatically.

Moreover, the hive will not be refreshed automatically if it changes in the course of a reevaluation (see Workflows).


The term "hive" refers to as cluster of Authoring Memory proposals for a candidate.


  • You are in My Candidates or TeamPlay.
  • The table displays candidates for processing.
  • For TeamPlay: You are the owner of the sentences.

How to refresh the hive:

  1. Select all candidates whose hive you want to refresh.
  2. Click Refresh hive.
  1. The table column Hive Update Time will be refreshed.
  2. The Rating column will be refreshed.
  3. The candidate hive will be refreshed.

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