Approving New Candidates

Approving New Candidates

You can approve candidates that have been sent to the Data Grooming Manager for the first time.


  • You are in My Candidates or TeamPlay.
  • The table displays candidates for processing.
  • For TeamPlay: You are the owner of the sentences.

How to approve one or several Authoring Memory Candidates:

  1. Activate the checkboxes in the first column to select all Authoring Memory Candidates that you would like to approve.

    1. The processing functions will be activated.
  2. Click Approve.

    1. The following success message will be displayed at the bottom left edge of the panel:
  3. The selected sentences will be stored as "approved" in the Authoring Memory database and will be removed from the list of candidates.
  4. The approved sentences will immediately be available to the Congree Authoring Client and can be proposed to the authors in the editor for use in the text.
  5. The selected sentences will be available to you in the Approved Pool.
  6. For My Candidates: You can follow the approved sentences (see Following Selected Candidates).


The changed status will only be reflected in the Congree Authoring Client after a document check.

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