Data Grooming Manager: Discarded Pool
Data Grooming Manager: Discarded Pool
The Discarded Pool is a submenu of the Discarded menu in the Data Grooming Manager. The Discarded Pool contains all previously discarded Authoring Memory Candidates not yet grabbed by any Data Grooming-Benutzer for reevaluation.
Apart from the table containing the Authoring Memory Candidates, the Discarded Pool contains another table entitled Evaluation history. The evaluation history contains evaluation information on the current candidate.
Overview of the My Discarded Menu
- Back button: Go to the overview of available Congree Managers.
- Activated Managers: Go to another Manager.
- Parent menus: Switch between the menus Authoring Memory and Terminology.
- Switch between the Candidates, Approved, Discarded, Challenged, My proposals, and TeamPlay menus.
- Switch between the "Pool" area and the personal "My [...]" area of a menu.
- Update button: Update the list of Authoring Memory Candidates.
- Grab button: Send the selected candidate to My Discarded.
- List of Authoring Memory Candidates
- Checkbox: Select an Authoring Memory Candidate or undo an existing selection.
- Id column: Unique identifier of the Authoring Memory Candidate
- Rating column: Match level of the Authoring Memory Candidate with the most similar sentence already stored in the Authoring Memory in %
- Creation column: Time of proposal of the Authoring Memory Candidate
- Language column: The language set in the Congree Authoring Client
- Creator column: Congree Authoring Client user who proposed the Authoring Memory Candidate
- Candidate column: the Authoring Memory Candidate
- Evaluator column: User of the Congree Control Center who approved the Authoring Memory Candidate
- Evaluation date column: Time of approval of the Authoring Memory Candidate
- Comment history column: Comments previously entered for the Authoring Memory Candidate
- Discard reason history column: Discard reasons previously specified for the Authoring Memory Candidate
- Number of Authoring Memory Candidates in the table
- Evaluation history table
- Details view: See the entire selected candidate.
Overview of the Evaluation history table:
The results in the Evaluation history table always refer to the current Authoring Memory Candidate.