Data Grooming Manager: TeamPlay

Data Grooming Manager: TeamPlay

The TeamPlay menu provides an overview of all sentences in the Data Grooming Manager that have not yet been evaluated. In this way, you can see at a glance which sentences still need to be evaluated and can grab them directly.

Overview of the TeamPlay Table

  1. Back button: Go to the overview of available Congree Managers.
  2. Activated Managers: Go to another Manager.
  3. Parent menus: Switch between the menus.
  4. Switch between the Candidates, Approved, Discarded, Challenged, My proposals, and TeamPlay menus.
  5. Buttons for processing Authoring Memory Candidates and challenged sentences in the table
  6. List of sentences
    1. + button: Show all variants of the most similar sentence already stored for a sentence in the Authoring Memory.
    2. Checkbox: Select a sentence or undo an existing selection.
    3. Id column: Unique identifier of the sentence
    4. Rating column: Match level of the sentence with the most similar sentence already stored in the Authoring Memory in %
    5. Creation: Time of proposal of the Authoring Memory Candidate
    6. Language column: The language set in the Congree Authoring Client
    7. Creator column: Congree Authoring Client user who proposed the Authoring Memory Candidate
    8. Candidate column: The Authoring Memory Candidate or challenged sentence
    9. Rule set column: The document-specific rule set that was active in the Congree Authoring Client when the candidate was proposed
    10. Congree class column: If a Congree class has been assigned to a sentence, it will be displayed here. Congree classes are abstract designations of various document sections (see Global Settings).
    11. Proposal Status column: Indicates if the hives of Authoring Memory Candidates contain discarded Authoring Memory proposals:
    12. Comment column: Enter a free-text comment on the selected sentence whose status is pending and which has been assigned to you.
    13. Discard reason column: Enter a discard reason for selected sentences whose status is pending and which have been assigned to you.
    14. Hive update time column: Shows when the candidate, rating, and hive were last refreshed.
    15. Challenger column: User of the Congree Control Center who challenged the sentence
    16. Challenge column: Time at which the sentence was challenged
    17. Owner column: The Data Grooming user who has already grabbed the sentence for processing. If the sentence has only been grabbed, but not yet evaluated, you can take it for yourself.
    18. Status column: Status of the selected sentences. The following states are possible:
      • new: The sentence has been newly proposed and has not yet been grabbed by any Data Grooming user for processing.
      • pending: A Data Grooming user has grabbed the sentence for processing, but has not yet evaluated it.
      • challenged: A sentence from the Authoring Memory that has been challenged but not yet evaluated
      • challenged discarded: A sentence that has been stored as discarded in the Authoring Memory and whose discarding has now been challenged
    19. Number of sentences in the table
  7. Evaluation history table
  8. Initial hive view: See the Authoring Memory proposals for the selected candidates, which were available to the author at the time of submission.
  9. Details view: See the entire selected candidate.

Overview of the Table Buttons

The buttons for processing candidates and challenged sentences in the table are arranged logically.

  1. Buttons for table actions
    1. Refresh button: Refresh the list of sentences in the table.
    2. Select all button: Activate all checkboxes in the list of Authoring Memory proposals.
    3. Unselect all button: Deactivate all checkboxes in the list of Authoring Memory proposals.
  2. Buttons for your own candidates to be processed
    1. Approve: Add a candidate to the Authoring Memory.
    2. Discard button: Refuse the inclusion of a candidate in the Authoring Memory.
    3. Delete button: Delete a candidate from the list of Authoring Memory Candidates. This function cannot be applied to challenged sentences in the table.
    4. Unchallenge button: Unchallenge the selected sentences. This function can only be applied to challenged sentences in the table.
    5. Return button: Return sentences you had grabbed for processing to the candidates pool.
    6. Refresh hives button: Refresh selected candidates, their rating, and their hive.
  3. Buttons for new available candidates
    1. Grab button: Grab new available sentences for processing.
    2. Grab all button: Grab all new available sentences for processing.
  4. Assigned - Take button: Take the sentences for processing, which have already been grabbed by other Data Grooming users for processing, but have not yet been evaluated.

Overview of the Evaluation History Table


The results in the Evaluation history table always refer to the selected challenged sentence. No evaluation history is displayed for Authoring Memory Candidates, as the TeamPlay table only contains candidates previously not evaluated.

A. Evaluator column: Users of the Congree Control Center who evaluated or reevaluated the Authoring Memory Candidate
B. Evaluation column: Times at which the Authoring Memory Candidates was evaluated or reevaluated
C. Comment column: Comments previously specified for the Authoring Memory Candidate
D. Discard reason column: Discard reasons previously specified for the Authoring Memory Candidate

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