Data Grooming Manager: My Proposals
Data Grooming Manager: My Proposals
My proposals is a menu for authors who write and edit texts in the Congree Authoring Client. When authors propose sentences for inclusion in the Authoring Memory, they can view the status of these sentences in My proposals.
Overview of the Menu
- Back button: Go to the overview of available Congree Managers.
- Activated Managers: Go to another Manager.
- Parent menus: Switch between the menus Authoring Memory and Terminology.
- Submenus of the Data Grooming menu Authoring Memory: Candidates, Approved, Discarded, Challenged, My proposals, TeamPlay.
- Update button: Update the list of Authoring Memory Candidates.
- Select all button: Activate all checkboxes in the list of Authoring Memory Candidates.
- Unselect all button: Deactivate all checkboxes in the list of Authoring Memory Candidates.
- Withdraw button: Withdraw the selected candidates. In this way, the sentence will no longer be proposed for inclusion in the Authoring Memory and will no longer be listed in the Data Grooming Manager.
- List of Authoring Memory Candidates
- Checkbox: Select an Authoring Memory Candidate or undo an existing selection.
- Id column: Unique identifier of the Authoring Memory Candidate
- Creation column: Time of proposal of the Authoring Memory Candidate
- Language column: The language set in the Congree Authoring Client
- Candidate column: the Authoring Memory Candidate
- Status column: Check whether your candidate has already been processed and whether it has been approved or discarded. There are four states:
- New: Your candidate has not yet been processed by any Data Grooming user.
- Pending: A Data Grooming user has grabbed your candidate, but has not yet approved or discarded it.
- Discarded: Your candidate has been discarded. It has not been added to the Authoring Memory and should not be used in the document.
- Approved: Your candidate has been added to the Authoring Memory.
- Comment history column: The comment last specified for the candidate
- Pending comment column: Comment that a Data Grooming user entered for the candidate while processing it, i.e. before discarding or approving it
- Discard reason history column: The discard reason last specified for the candidate
- Pending discard reason column: Discard reason that a Data Grooming user entered for the candidate while processing it, i.e. before discarding or approving it
- Number of Authoring Memory Candidates in the table
- Details view: See the entire selected candidate.
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