CWI can work in two different display modes:
- Fixed mode: In this mode, the CWI sidebar is always visible. The host must provide CWI with a div element. This element must exist at the time of the sidebar initialization. The Host is responsible for styling the div, i.e. to give it the correct size and placement. CWI will not re-style it.
- Dynamic Overlay mode: In this mode, the CWI sidebar will be shown in an overlay. The Host is not required to provide any elements, however, the Host is required to trigger the showing and hiding of the overlay.
To configure the display mode, you have to adjust the cwi-integration.loader.
The CWI supports an integrated working mode: CWI will connect to one or multiple editors in the Host. These editors needs to exist when the sidebar is being initialized.
When you update Congree, the adjusted files are set back to default. Please copy the adjusted files, store them in another location and put them back in their folder after a Congree update.