Further features
Reporting data via iFrame
Congree provides an iFrame message which can be accessed using this code:
window.addEventListener('message', function(e) { if(e.data.type === 'congreeWebInterfaceEvent') { handleEvent(e.data.detail); } }, false);
The result contains the following information:
checked (successful Check Document operation)
notStarted (no check started)
inProgress (check executing)
partiallyChecked (real-time check executed but no Check Document operation)
Unique name of the document-specific rule set
Date and time in this format: yyyy-mm-ddThh:mm:ssZ
Value between 0 and 100
Error count between 0 and n
Error count between 0 and n
Sample result
Forward attributes
You can forward attributes to Congree so that Congree can return a fitting rule set.
var congree = window.Congree || {}; window.Congree = congree; congree.loadSidebar = function (username, password) { // loader code custom to host app congree.sidebar = new Congree.Sidebar({ serverAddress: "", // bulkCheckServicePath: "CongreeBulkCheckServiceNoSSL/BulkCheckService.svc", authentication: { userName: username || "cwi", password: password || "", loginType: "usernamePassword" }, initialRuleSetName: "Compathy_Office_DE", editors: [ Congree.AdapterFor.TextInput('textarea'), Congree.AdapterFor.TextInput('input[type="text"]'), Congree.AdapterFor.TinyMce4('.tinymce4', 'tinymce'), Congree.AdapterFor.CKEditor4('.ckeditor4') ], culture: 'de-DE', thirdPartyAttributes: { param1: 1, param2: 'asd', param3: 42, param4: false } }); congree.sidebar.show("congreeSidebar"); };
You can forwards a culture so Congree only returns rule sets matching that culture
Relevant parameters for culture currently are “de-DE” and “en-US”
In thirdPartyAttributes you can specify the parameters and their values.
The values and culture you provide must match a rule in Congree. Otherwise you will get the following exception:
TypeError: e.Rules[0].RuleOption is undefined
It is not possible to have a fallback rule set, since this would contradict the goal of always having control over the displayed rule set and some wrong rule set could be selected without the author knowing. If you need something close to a fallback, a simple rule can be created which is true in most cases.
Sample configuration
culture: 'en-US', thirdPartyAttributes: { space: 'Compathy', department: 'TecDoc',
This will lead to Congree preselecting Compathy_Office_EN.