Deactivating Congree

After logging in to the Congree Server, the Congree functions including the real-time check are turned on by default. If you want to work for some time without getting a response to your input in the Congree panels, you can turn off Congree temporarily without logging out from the Congree Server.


The current check results will be deleted when Congree is turned off.


  • You are logged in to the Congree Server.
  • Congree is turned on.
  • The Congree Toolbar is open.

How to deactivate Congree:

  1. In the Congree Toolbar, click the Deactivate button.

    1. If the Congree panels contain check results, the following dialog field will be displayed:
  2. Click Yes.
  3. In the Congree Toolbar, the Document and Section areas will become inactive and be grayed out.
  4. Any open Congree panels will be closed.
  5. Any existing check results will be deleted.