POST | /congree/api/Terminology/v1/TermCandidate?ruleSet={ruleSetName}&addOnlyUnknown={true or false} | Stores new term candidate |
Term candidate should be included in the body in following form (corresponding to the TermCandidateModel class, see Congree Bulk Check Service documentation, Type definitions - IBulkCheckService - DataGrooming-related types).
{ "Text": "string", "Context": "string" }
GET | /congree/api/Terminology/v1/SearchTerm?ruleSet={ruleSetName}&term={term text}&culture={CultureName} | Searches term in terminology system |
The culture name in the format languagecode2-country/regioncode2. languagecode2 is a lowercase two-letter code derived from ISO 639-1. country/regioncode2 is derived from ISO 3166 and usually consists of two uppercase letters, or a BCP-47 language tag.
Responce structure corresponds Type definitions - IBulkCheckService - Terminology-related types.
[ { "Concept": { "ConceptId": 0, "Properties": [ { "Values": [ "string" ], "Name": "string" } ], "Definitions": [ { "Culture": "string", "Text": "string", "Note": "string" } ], "Synonyms": [ { "Id": 0, "Term": "string", "Properties": [ { "Values": [ { "Usage": "string", "Value": "string", "IsMultiValue": boolean } ], "Name": "string" } ] } ] }, "Id": 0, "Term": "string", "Properties": [ { "Values": [ { "Usage": "string", "Value": "string", "IsMultiValue": boolean } ], "Name": "string" } ] } ]