POST | /congree/api/Linguistic/v1/Check?ruleSet={rulesetName} | Checks the document |
The request should be included in the body in the following form:
{ "Xml": "string", "Options": { "IncludeValidTerms": true, "IncludeReporting": true, "IncludeContextMapping": true, "ExtractTermCandidates": true } }
“string” has some restrictions. It must be valid XML. It cannot just be any string.
Option name | Description |
IncludeValidTerms | Include valid terms from Style Guide in the result |
IncludeReporting | Include Language Check Report in the result |
IncludeContextMapping | Split input XML into contexts and map linguistic errors to the contexts. This option are enabled if IncludeReporting is true |
ExtractTermCandidates | Extract terminology candidates from input XML and include them in the result |
The response structure corresponds to LinguisticCheckResult3 class, see Congree Bulk Check Service documentation, see Type definitions - IBulkCheckService - Linguistic-related types.
{ "ResultXml": "string", "Errors": [ { "Id": "string", "ContextId": 0, "Type": "Abbreviation", "Descriptions": [ { "Code": "string", "Description": { "Header": "string", "Instruction": "string", "Explanation": "string" }, "Explanation": [ { "Type": "Text", "Text": "string" } ], "ExplanationRewrite": [ { "Type": "Text", "Text": "string" } ] } ], "Proposals": [ { "Text": "string", "AdditionalInfo": "string", "BaseTermForm": "string", "ConceptId": 0 } ] } ], "TermCandidates": [ { "Id": "string", "Text": "string", "Context": "string", "IsExist": true } ], "Reporting": { "TotalCheckedWords": 0, "ReleaseLevel": 0, "RelativeReleaseLevel": 0, "SafeReleaseLevel": 0, "SafeReleaseLevelTitle": "string", "AcceptableReleaseLevel": 0, "AcceptableReleaseLevelTitle": "string", "UnsafeReleaseLevel": 0, "UnsafeReleaseLevelTitle": "string", "ReportingByTypes": [ { "Type": "Abbreviation", "ErrorCount": 0, "Severity": 0, "RelativeSeverity": 0 } ] }, "FailedParagraphsInfo": { "FailedParagraphsAmount": 0 } }
Here comes an example to describe "String" in more detail:
Please note that in the example, Processing Instructions are used to mark ranges:
Processing Instruction | Explanation |
ctx = context (a paragraph ID) | |
lc = Language Check (a highlight/error ID) | |
e = end of the range | |
b = beginning of the range |
Please find the additional response content explained below.
- Id: highlight/error ID to find the correct range of a Congree notification)
- ContextId: ContextId corresponds to a “ … ” region. These PIs are emitted when IncludeContextMapping is true or both IncludeReporting is true and RuleSet has reporting configuration set.
- Type: Spelling, Grammar, Style, Terminology, Abbreviation or Valid terms
- Descriptions:
- Code: identifier for a specific Congree notification
- Description:
- Header: short summary to identify the notification
- Instruction: short text telling the author what to correct
- Explanation: short text telling the author why to correct
- Explanation: negative example
- Type: can be Text or Explanation
- Text
- ExplanationRewrite: positive example
- Type: can be Text or Explanation
- Text
- Text: any string which should be applied by authors as their correction of some problem
- AdditionalInfo:
legacy property, has to be null
- BaseTermForm: String required for "Valid term" messages and also for Terminology Research to find a term
- ConceptId: If the proposal is a term, this is the concept ID of said term to be used if necessary.
- Id: Id of corresponding “…” region
- Text: the candidates as displayed to the author
- Context: the sentence(s) in which a term candidate has been found
- IsExist: information if this term has already been proposed by someone else in the past
- TotalCheckedWord: counter for the amount of checked words
- ReleaseLevel: value which shows the quality of checked text
- RelativeReleaseLevel: ReleaseLevel value, scaled as if quality levels (unsafe/acceptable/safe) were of equal length of 40. Returned values are in range [0…80) U {120}. 120 is returned only when ReleaseLevel = 100.
- SafeReleaseLevel: value when the shown release level is good
- SafeReleaseLevelTitle: name of the good release level
- AcceptableReleaseLevel: value when the shown release level is ok
- AcceptableReleaseLevelTitle: name of the ok release level
- UnsafeReleaseLevel: value when the shown release level is bad
- UnsafeReleaseLevelTitle: name of the bad release level
- ReportingByTypes: contains total counts and calculated severities of Language Check error types.
- Type
- ErrorCount
- Severity
- RelativeSeverity
- FailedParagraphsInfo
- FailedParagraphsAmount: provides information on how many paragraphs were skipped due to errors
POST | /congree/api/Linguistic/v1/StartCheckTask?ruleSet={rulesetName} | Checks the document in asynchronous mode |
The request is the same as for /congree/api/Linguistic/v1/Check?ruleSet=rulesetName but the result is a task id.
In order to get the task status and results, use methods described in Tasks. The result is the same as for /congree/api/Linguistic/v1/Check
{ "Id": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000" }
GET | /congree/api/Linguistic/v1/Languages | Gets available languages |
Linguistic: StyleGuide
POST | /api/Linguistic/StyleGuide/v1/Templates/{culture} | Create a new style guide |
GET | /api/Linguistic/StyleGuide/v1/Templates/{culture} | Get all style guides for the specified culture |
PUT | /api/Linguistic/StyleGuide/v1/Templates/{culture} | Edit a style guide |
DELETE | /api/Linguistic/StyleGuide/v1/Templates/{culture} | Delete style guides |
StyleGuide can be specified as follows:
- Id (integer, optional): Id of style guide
- Name (string, optional): Name
- RulesConfiguration (integer, optional): Id of rules configuration
- SynonymsConfiguration (integer, optional): Id of synonyms configuration
- UserLexiconConfiguration (integer, optional): Id of user lexicon configuration
- TerminologyConfiguration (integer, optional): Id of terminology configuration
Linguistic: StyleGuide Configurations
POST | /api/Linguistic/StyleGuide/v1/Configurations/{culture}/{type} | Creates some configuration of the specified culture and type |
GET | /api/Linguistic/StyleGuide/v1/Configurations/{culture}/{type} | Gets some configuration of the specified culture and type |
PUT | /api/Linguistic/StyleGuide/v1/Configurations/{culture}/{type} | Edit configurations |
DELETE | /api/Linguistic/StyleGuide/v1/Configurations/{culture}/{type} | Delete configurations |
Attributes for Configurations:
- Id (integer, optional): Id of existing configuration
- Name (string, optional): Configuration name
- culture (string)
- type (string): Rules, UserLexicon, Synonyms, Terminology
- request
The request should be included in the body in the following form:
Linguistic: StyleGuide Rules
GET | /api/Linguistic/StyleGuide/v1/Configurations/{culture}/Rules/{configurationId} | Gets language check rules for specific language and configuration |
PUT | /api/Linguistic/StyleGuide/v1/Configurations/{culture}/Rules/{configurationId} | Edit rules configuration |
Linguistic: StyleGuide Synonyms
POST | /api/Linguistic/StyleGuide/v1/Configurations/{culture}/Synonyms/{configurationId} | Adds new synonyms |
GET | /api/Linguistic/StyleGuide/v1/Configurations/{culture}/Synonyms/{configurationId} | Get synonyms |
PUT | /api/Linguistic/StyleGuide/v1/Configurations/{culture}/Synonyms/{configurationId} | Edit synonyms |
DELETE | /api/Linguistic/StyleGuide/v1/Configurations/{culture}/Synonyms/{configurationId} | Delete synonyms |
Linguistic: StyleGuide Terminology
POST | /api/Linguistic/StyleGuide/v1/Configurations/{culture}/Terminology/{configurationId}/TermCandidateFilters | Adds new term candidate filters |
GET | /api/Linguistic/StyleGuide/v1/Configurations/{culture}/Terminology/{configurationId}/TermCandidateFilters | Gets term candidate filters |
PUT | /api/Linguistic/StyleGuide/v1/Configurations/{culture}/Terminology/{configurationId}/TermCandidateFilters | Edit term candidate filter |
DELETE | /api/Linguistic/StyleGuide/v1/Configurations/{culture}/Terminology/{configurationId}/TermCandidateFilters | Delete term candidate filter |
GET | /api/Linguistic/StyleGuide/v1/Configurations/{culture}/Terminology/{configurationId}/VariantsRecognition | Gets terminology variants recognition rules for the specified language and configuration |
PUT | /api/Linguistic/StyleGuide/v1/Configurations/{culture}/Terminology/{configurationId}/VariantsRecognition | Edit terminology variants recognition rules configuration |
Linguistic: StyleGuide User Lexicon
POST | /api/Linguistic/StyleGuide/v1/Configurations/{culture}/UserLexicon/{configurationId}/Nouns | Adds new term candidate filters |
GET | /api/Linguistic/StyleGuide/v1/Configurations/{culture}/UserLexicon/{configurationId}/Nouns | Gets term candidate filters |
PUT | /api/Linguistic/StyleGuide/v1/Configurations/{culture}/UserLexicon/{configurationId}/Nouns | Edit term candidate filter |
DELETE | /api/Linguistic/StyleGuide/v1/Configurations/{culture}/UserLexicon/{configurationId}/Nouns | Delete term candidate filter |
POST | /api/Linguistic/StyleGuide/v1/Configurations/{culture}/UserLexicon/{configurationId}/Abbreviations | Adds new abbreviations |
GET | /api/Linguistic/StyleGuide/v1/Configurations/{culture}/UserLexicon/{configurationId}/Abbreviations | Gets all abbreviations |
PUT | /api/Linguistic/StyleGuide/v1/Configurations/{culture}/UserLexicon/{configurationId}/Abbreviations | Edit abbreviation |
DELETE | /api/Linguistic/StyleGuide/v1/Configurations/{culture}/UserLexicon/{configurationId}/Abbreviations | Deletes abbreviations by Id |
POST | /api/Linguistic/StyleGuide/v1/Configurations/{culture}/UserLexicon/{configurationId}/IncorrectSpellings | Adds new Incorrect Spellings |
GET | /api/Linguistic/StyleGuide/v1/Configurations/{culture}/UserLexicon/{configurationId}/IncorrectSpellings | Get all Incorrect Spellings |
PUT | /api/Linguistic/StyleGuide/v1/Configurations/{culture}/UserLexicon/{configurationId}/IncorrectSpellings | Edit Incorrect Spellings |
DELETE | /api/Linguistic/StyleGuide/v1/Configurations/{culture}/UserLexicon/{configurationId}/IncorrectSpellings | Deletes an Incorrect Spelling by Id |
POST | /api/Linguistic/StyleGuide/v1/Configurations/{culture}/UserLexicon/{configurationId}/MeasuringUnits | Adds new Measuring Units |
GET | /api/Linguistic/StyleGuide/v1/Configurations/{culture}/UserLexicon/{configurationId}/MeasuringUnits | Get all Measuring Units |
PUT | /api/Linguistic/StyleGuide/v1/Configurations/{culture}/UserLexicon/{configurationId}/MeasuringUnits | Edit Measuring Units |
DELETE | /api/Linguistic/StyleGuide/v1/Configurations/{culture}/UserLexicon/{configurationId}/MeasuringUnits | Deletes a Measuring Unit by Id |
GET | /api/Linguistic/StyleGuide/v1/Configurations/{culture}/UserLexicon/{configurationId}/SystemLexiconValidation | Validates content in the system UserLexicon |
Linguistic: StyleGuide User Lexicon Word forms
GET | /api/Linguistic/StyleGuide/v1/Configurations/{culture}/UserLexicon/{configurationId}/Nouns/{entryId}/Forms | Get all word forms for the specified Noun entry |
PUT | /api/Linguistic/StyleGuide/v1/Configurations/{culture}/UserLexicon/{configurationId}/Nouns/{entryId}/Forms | Store word forms for the specified Noun entry |
DELETE | /api/Linguistic/StyleGuide/v1/Configurations/{culture}/UserLexicon/{configurationId}/Nouns/{entryId}/Forms | Clear configured word forms for the specified Noun entry |
GET | /api/Linguistic/StyleGuide/v1/Configurations/{culture}/UserLexicon/{configurationId}/Abbreviations/{entryId}/Forms | Get all word forms for the specified Abbreviation entry |
PUT | /api/Linguistic/StyleGuide/v1/Configurations/{culture}/UserLexicon/{configurationId}/Abbreviations/{entryId}/Forms | Store word forms for the specified Abbreviation entry |
DELETE | /api/Linguistic/StyleGuide/v1/Configurations/{culture}/UserLexicon/{configurationId}/Abbreviations/{entryId}/Forms | Clear configured word forms for the specified Abbreviation entry |
GET | /api/Linguistic/StyleGuide/v1/Configurations/{culture}/UserLexicon/{configurationId}/MeasuringUnits/{entryId}/Forms | Get all word forms for the specified Measuring unit entry |
PUT | /api/Linguistic/StyleGuide/v1/Configurations/{culture}/UserLexicon/{configurationId}/MeasuringUnits/{entryId}/Forms | Store word forms for the specified Measuring unit entry |
DELETE | /api/Linguistic/StyleGuide/v1/Configurations/{culture}/UserLexicon/{configurationId}/MeasuringUnits/{entryId}/Forms | Clear configured word forms for the specified Measuring unit entry |
GET | /api/Linguistic/StyleGuide/v1/Configurations/{culture}/UserLexicon/{configurationId}/IncorrectSpellings/{entryId}/Forms | Get all word forms for the specified Incorrect spelling entry |
PUT | /api/Linguistic/StyleGuide/v1/Configurations/{culture}/UserLexicon/{configurationId}/IncorrectSpellings/{entryId}/Forms | Store word forms for the specified Incorrect spelling entry |
DELETE | /api/Linguistic/StyleGuide/v1/Configurations/{culture}/UserLexicon/{configurationId}/IncorrectSpellings/{entryId}/Forms | Clear configured word forms for the specified Incorrect spelling entry |