The Term Candidates Panel

In the Term Candidates Panel, terms can be proposed for inclusion in the corporate terminology.

The panel contains all terms that Congree classifies as term candidates. The author can select the terms he actually wishes to propose. There is also an input function for the author's own term candidates.


If the Congree Language Check is inoperable, no term candidates will be displayed. Instead, the following notification will be displayed: "Since the Language Check Panel only threw exceptions so far, nothing can be displayed here."


The term candidates are sorted alphabetically.

Overview of the Term Candidates Panel

  1. Select all button: Click to select all term candidates.
  2. Unselect all button: Click to unselect all term candidates.
  3. Expand/collapse concept information button: Click to expand the additional concept-related terminology information for all term candidates.
  4. Expand/collapse term information button: Click to expand the additional term-related terminology information for all term candidates.
  5. Add selection as term candidate button: Select a term in your text and click this button to add it to the selection of term candidates.
  6. Propose new term candidate button: Click to open an input dialog for creating a new term candidate.
  7. Propose selected candidates button: Click to propose the selected term candidates for inclusion in your corporate terminology.
  8. Show/hide already known candidates button: Click to show or hide term candidates that have already been proposed for inclusion in your corporate terminology, but that have not yet been included by the responsible terminologist.
  9. Term candidate
    1. Concept area: This area comprises fields for entering additional concept-related terminology information.
    2. Term area: This area comprises fields for entering additional term-related terminology information.

Editing options for each term:

  1. Selection of a term
  2. Propose candidate button: Click to propose the term candidate for inclusion in the corporate terminology.
  3. Concept button: Click to expand the fields for entering additional concept-related terminology information.
  4. Free text field (example): Enter the required additional information as free text.
  5. Term button: Click to expand the fields for entering additional term-related terminology information.
  6. Drop-down list (example): Select the required additional information from a drop-down list.


In the Congree Control Center, you can determine whether additional information is to be stored as free text or as a value of a drop-down list.