Example workflows

Example workflows

Document writing

While writing a document, you can check the paragraph to be edited and update the results dynamically.

  1. Post current paragraph content



    Check the document

  2. Update Language Check results for the current paragraph.
  3. Extract and update terminology candidates from the result if ExtractTermCandidates in options is true. Terminology candidates can be obtained from array TermCandidates in the result.
  4. Extract terms from notifications. It is a notification with type Terminology. You need to get BaseTermForm from Proposals array in the notification. ConceptId contains the concept id of proposed terms as stated in the Style Guide.
  5. Search for extracted terms in your terminology system and update the terminology results for the current paragraph.


    /congree/api/Terminology/v1/SearchTerm?ruleSet={ruleSetName}&term={term text}&culture={CultureName}

    Search term in terminology system

Batch document check

The batch document check can be used to check the entire document and save the report containing the document quality data.

  1. Post all document content (with enabled reporting) and get the TaskId from result



    Check the document

  2. Periodically check the task state



    Get task status

  3. Get the Language Check result after task complete.



    Get task result

  4. Extract and update terminology candidates from result if ExtractTermCandidates in options is true. Terminology candidates can be obtained from array TermCandidates in result.
  5. Extract terms from notifications. It is a notification with type Terminology. You need to get BaseTermForm from Proposals array in notification. ConceptId contains the concept id of proposed terms as stated in the Style Guide.
  6. Search for extracted terms in your terminology system and update the terminology results for the current document.


    /congree/api/Terminology/v1/SearchTerm?ruleSet={ruleSetName}&term={term text}&culture={CultureName}

    Search term in terminology system

  7. Create a Language Check Report based on the object Reporting from the Language Check result. Post the report to the Congree database.



    Stores the linguistic report.