Creating and Deleting Rights

Creating and Deleting Rights

You can manage your Congree rights in the Rights menu of the User Manager.


  • You are in the Rights menu of the User Manager of the Congree Control Center.

How to assign access rights for the individual program components:

  1. You can do this in two ways:

    1. Click Add.
    2. Click Click here to add a new row.
    3. A row for a new right will be created:
  2. Enter the name of the right under Name. The predefined rights have been named after the access which they define.
  3. Optional: Enter a description of the right under Description.
  4. Under Component, select the Congree Authoring Server component for which you would like to define an access right.
  5. Under Access rights, select the parts of the components that the access right is to comprise. For example, you can assign access rights for certain menus of the Data Grooming component. The Authoring Client component also has access rights for certain features and functions, for example, for proposing Authoring Memory candidates.
  6. Click the Save button to save the rights.
  7. You can assign the rights to any roles and thus to certain users or groups.

How to delete rights:

  1. Select the rights to be deleted.
  2. Click the Delete button:

    1. The following dialog field will be displayed:
  3. Click Yes.
  4. The selected rights have been deleted.

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