User Manager: Users

User Manager: Users

All Congree users can be created and managed in the Users menu of the User Manager.

One table row is created for each Congree user.

Overview of the User Menu




  1. Back button: Go to the overview of available Congree Managers.

  2. Activated Managers: Go to another Manager.

  3. Parent menus: Switch between the Users, Groups, Roles, and Rights menus.

  4. Refresh button: Refresh the table contents.

  5. Add button: Add a new Congree user.

  6. Delete button: Delete the selected Congree user.

  7. Select all button: Activate all checkboxes in the list of Congree users.

  8. Unselect all button: Deactivate all checkboxes in the list of Congree users.

  9. Bulk change button: Opens a window in which you can change the password, description, assigned groups, and assigned roles for all selected users.

  10. Log out button: Log out the selected Congree users from the Congree Authoring Server.

  11. List of Congree users

    1. Checkbox: Select a Congree user or undo an existing selection.

    2. Column with authentication type icon: Check which authentication method a user makes use of for logging in to the Congree Authoring Client.

    3. User name column: Create a user name.

    4. Password column: Create a password.

    5. First name column: Specify the first name of the Congree user.

    6. Last name column: Specify the last name of the Congree user.

    7. Description column: Add a description to the Congree user.

    8. Status column: See whether a Congree user is currently logged in to our logged out from the Congree Authoring Server.

    9. Groups column: Assign the Congree user to one or several groups.

    10. Roles column: Assign one or several roles to the Congree user.

    11. Creation column: Time of creation of the Congree user

    12. Last login column: Time of the last login of the Congree user to the Congree Authoring Server

  12. Save button: Save the list of Congree users.

  13. Reset button: Reset the list of Congree users.

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