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Kommentar: Published by Scroll Versions from space DOKERS and version 6.0.001


Text type in Microsoft PowerPoint

Element for the paragraph recognition

Text field without bullet points/numberingp
Text field with bullet pointsblist
Text field with numberingnlist
Text field with different list levelsnlist1, nlist2, blist1, blist2...
Text in headerfooter
Text in footerfooter
Link texthyperlink
Text in tablestable
Text in notes and text fields in notespnote
Text field with bullet points in notesnblist
Text field with numbering in notesnnlist
WordArt in notesnwordart
SmartArt in notesnsmartart
Text in tables in notesntable
Link text in notesnhyperlink
Text field with different list levels in notesnnlist1, nnlist2, nblist1, nblist2...
Example text (only in the slide master)smaster

Congree and the Various Microsoft PowerPoint Modes


If the presentation mode "Normal" is active, Congree will check the following text types:


  • Notes
  • Non-editable example text
  • Master Slide Text


If the presentation mode "Outline" is active, Congree will check the following text types:


  • All text that is not in the list


If the presentation mode "Notes" is active, Congree will check the following text types:

  • Text in text fields
    • Distinction is made between
      • Text without bullet points/numbering
      • Text with bullet points
      • Text with numbering
      • Text with different list levels
  • Text in header and footer
    • without page number check
    • without date check
  • WordArt
  • SmartArt
  • Link text
    • Instead of the underlying link, the displayed text is checked.
    • Changes applied to the link text will not affect the link.
  • Text in tables
    • Text in tables is treated as table text.

Slide Master

If the presentation mode "Slide master" is active, Congree will check the following text types:
