Versionen im Vergleich


  • Diese Zeile wurde hinzugefügt.
  • Diese Zeile wurde entfernt.
  • Formatierung wurde geändert.

The TeamPlay menu offers you various possibilities to process sentences not yet evaluated. The following table provides an overview of all functions and their requirements.


Apart from the functions mentioned here, the menu offers the general table functions Refresh, Select all, and Unselect all (see Data Grooming Manager: TeamPlay), which are not explained in detail in this chapter.

How to release your own sentences from processing

  • The owner of the selected sentence is "myself".
  • The status of the selected sentence is "pending".

How to approve candidates or challenged sentences

  • The owner of the selected sentence is "myself".
  • The status of the selected sentence is
  • "pending"
  • "challenged"
  • "challenged discarded"

How to discard candidates or challenged sentences

  • The owner of the selected sentence is "myself".
  • The status of the selected sentence is
  • "pending"
  • "challenged"
  • "challenged discarded"

How to delete candidates and withdraw the proposal for inclusion in the Authoring Memory

  • The owner of the selected sentence is "myself".
  • The selected sentence is not a challenged sentence, but an Authoring Memory Candidate from the Congree Authoring Client.
  • The status of the selected sentence is "pending".

How to unchallenge sentences

  • The owner of the selected sentence is "myself".
  • The selected sentence is not an Authoring Memory Candidate, but a challenged sentence from the Authoring Memory.
  • The status of the selected sentence is
  • "challenged"
  • "challenged discarded"

How to grab new sentences

  • The owner of the selected sentence is "none".
  • The status of the selected sentence is "new".

How to take sentences that are already being processed by other users

  • The owner of the selected sentences is another Data Grooming user.
  • The status of the selected sentence is "pending".


  1. Select one or more sentences.
  2. Click Return:
    Image RemovedImage Added

    1. The following success message will be displayed:
      Image RemovedImage Added
  3. The owner of the sentences has been reset to "none".
  4. The status of the sentences has been reset to "new".
  5. You can follow the sentences (see Following Selected Candidates).
  6. The following dialog field will open up:
    Image RemovedImage Added
    You cannot release any sentences not assigned to you from processing.
  7. The following dialog field will open up:
    Image RemovedImage Added
    You cannot release any sentences assigned to other Data Grooming users from processing.


  1. Select one or more sentences.
  2. Click Approve:
    Image RemovedImage Added

    1. The following success message will be displayed:
      Image RemovedImage Added
  3. The selected sentences will be stored as approved in the Authoring Memory database and will be removed from the table.
  4. The approved sentences will immediately be available to the Congree Authoring Client and can be proposed to the authors in the editor for use in the text.
  5. The following dialog field will open up:
    Image RemovedImage Added
    At least one of the selected sentences could not be approved because it is not assigned to you.


  1. Select one or more sentences.
  2. Optional: Select one or several discard reasons or comments.
  3. Click Discard:
    Image RemovedImage Added

    1. The following success message will be displayed:
      Image RemovedImage Added
  4. The selected sentences will be stored as discarded in the Authoring Memory database and will be removed from the list of candidates in "My Candidates".
  5. The selected sentences will be available to you in the "Discarded Pool".
  6. The following dialog field will open up:
    Image RemovedImage Added
    At least one of the selected sentences could not be discarded because it is not assigned to you.


  1. Select one or more sentences.
  2. Click Delete:
    Image RemovedImage Added

    1. The following dialog field will open up:
      Image RemovedImage Added
  3. Click Yes.

    1. The following success message will be displayed:
      Image RemovedImage Added
  4. The selected sentences will be deleted from the Authoring Memory database and removed from the list.
  5. From now on, the deleted sentences can again be proposed as Authoring Memory Candidates in the Congree Authoring Client.
  6. The following dialog field will open up:
    Image RemovedImage Added
    At least one of the selected sentences could not be deleted because it is not assigned to you.
  7. The following dialog field will open up:
    Image RemovedImage Added
    You cannot delete challenged sentences from the Authoring Memory that have already been evaluated.


  1. Select one or more sentences.
  2. Click Unchallenge:
    Image RemovedImage Added

    1. The following dialog field will open up:
      Image RemovedImage Added
  3. Click Yes.
  4. The sentences have been unchallenged.
  5. The sentences are no longer listed in the table.
  6. The sentences are no longer highlighted in orange in the hive of the associated candidate.
  7. The following dialog field will open up:
    Image RemovedImage Added
    You cannot unchallenge this candidate, as it is not a challenged candidate.


  1. You have two options:
  2. Click Grab all:
    Image RemovedImage Added
  3. Select one or several sentences and click Grab.
    Image RemovedImage Added

    1. The following success message will be displayed:
      Image RemovedImage Added
  4. All new sentences or the selected new sentences without owner have been assigned to you for processing.
  5. You can follow the sentences (see Following Selected Candidates).
  6. The following dialog field will open up:
    Image RemovedImage Added
    You cannot grab the sentences, as it has been assigned to another Data Grooming user.


  1. Select one or more sentences.
  2. Click Take:
    Image RemovedImage Added

    1. The following dialog field will open up:
      Image RemovedImage Added
  3. Click OK.

    1. The following success message will be displayed:
      Image RemovedImage Added
  4. The selected sentences have been assigned to you for processing.
  5. Possible processing steps by the previousl owner have been reset.
  6. You can follow the sentences (see Following Selected Candidates).
  7. The following dialog field will open up:
    Image RemovedImage Added
    At least one of the selected sentences could not be taken because this action is not allowed.
