How do different versions influence Congree?

How do different versions influence Congree?

Normally, different Release Versions are not a problem for Congree since most features will still be compatible to each other. When the Internal Components Version of one or more components increases, some features will no longer be available. There are two situations, when Congree checks for compatibility. At installation via the Congree Deployment Assistant and when starting Congree Authoring Client or Congree Control Center. Furthermore, Congree Deployment Assistant itself has an Internal Components Version to ensure compatibility within different versions.

Congree Authoring Client

The table shows components that require matching versions.

Authoring Client Feature Core Server Component
Authoring Memory Authoring Memory
Authoring Memory Candidates Authoring Memory Candidates
Language Check Language Check
Linguistic Reporting

Linguistic Reporting

Language Check

Terminology Research (Across) Terminology Research (Across)
Terminology Research (SDL) Terminology Research (SDL)
Term Candidates Term Candidates


If any version does not match at installation, the client feature will be skipped at installation.

If any version does not match when loading an editor plug-in, the client feature will be deactivated and the editor environment has to be restarted.

Congree Control Center

The table shows components that require matching versions.

Congree Control Center Core Server Component
Authoring Memory Authoring Memory
Authoring Memory Candidates Authoring Memory Candidates
Language Check Language Check
Linguistic Reporting

Linguistic Reporting

Language Check

Terminology Research (Across) Terminology Research (Across)
Terminology Research (SDL) Terminology Research (SDL)
Term Candidates Term Candidates
Linguistic Compiler Linguistic Compiler
User Management User Management


If any version does not match at installation, the feature will be installed anyways.

If any version does not match when starting the Congree Control Center, the feature will be deactivated on the fly and it will be unavailable.

Congree Server

The table shows components that require matching versions.

Core Server Component Congree Back End Component
Authoring Memory Congree Back End Connector for Across
Authoring Memory Candidates

Congree Back End Connector for Across

Data Store Wrapper

Language Check Congree Linguistic Server
Linguistic Reporting

Data Store Wrapper

Terminology Research (Across) Congree Back End Connector for Across
Terminology Research (SDL) None
Term Candidates

Congree Back End Connector for Across

Data Store Wrapper

Linguistic Compiler Data Store Wrapper
User Management Data Store Wrapper


If any version does not match at installation, the installation is canceled.

If any version does not match when starting the Congree Control Center or when loading an editor plug-in, the feature will be deactivated.

Congree Deployment Assistant

The version of Deployment Assistant Configuration Service increases, whenever a new feature is available or big technical changes have been made to Congree Deployment Assistant.

If the version does not match:

  • You can still update
  • You cannot install using the User Interface
  • You cannot install using command line interface
  • You cannot enter environment configuration locally
  • You cannot enter environment configuration remotely

Compatibility Matrix

Download the Compatibility Matrix to see what effect a version increase has on different features of Congree: ftp://ftp.congree.com/info/Congree--20171122-Compatibility_Matrix_EN.xlsx

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