TermTiger - Fields

TermTiger - Fields

In the Configuration > Fields menu, you can configure which attributes and attribute values should be available under Manage for each termbase. You can also specify for each field whether its content should be translated.

Changes to the field configuration can only be made if the termbase is not active. To do this, open the Status tab and deactivate the TermBase. A deactivated TermBase cannot be used.
Do not forget to reactivate the TermBase after making changes.

Overview of the Fields menu

  1. Add button: Create a new field.

  2. Clone button: Copy the fields of the selected termbase to another termbase.

  3. Export button: Export the field configuration of the selected termbase.

  4. Import button: Import a field configuration.

  5. Table

    1. Field name column: The name of the field

    2. Field level column: Field level specifies whether the field or attribute refers to the concept level or the term level.

    3. Field type column: Field type indicates the type of content that can be used to fill the field.

      • The following Field types are available on the concept level:

        • Definition

        • TextSingle

        • TextMultiple

        • PicklistSingle

        • PicklistMultiple

        • Image

      • The following Field types are available on the term level:

        • Usage

        • Gender

        • Number

        • Context

        • TextSingle

        • TextMultiple

        • PicklistSingle

        • PicklistMultiple

        • Image

    4. Field values column: The attribute values that are to apply to the fields with the Field types Usage, Gender, Number and to all types of selection lists are stored here.

    5. Translate content selection: Specify whether the content of a field should be translated.

Fields with field type PicklistSingle or PicklistMultiple must contain at least one value. To enter the values, proceed as described in the chapter TermTiger - Fields | Manage values in picklists.

Edit or delete fields

Each TermBase is created with the standard fields Part of Speech, Usage, Gender, Number, Note (Concept), Note (Term), Definition and Image. These fields cannot be changed or deleted.

You can change or delete fields that have been created in addition to the standard fields.

To do this, click on the buttons on the far right.



  1. Edit button: Opens an additional window. Here you can
    a. Change the name of the field
    b. If Field type PicklistSingle or PicklistMultiple has been selected: Delete, deactivate or add values (see below: TermTiger - Fields | Manage values in picklists)
    c. Activate or deactivate the Translatable option

  2. Delete button: Deletes the field. Confirm the deletion in the next dialog

Manage values in picklists

Add new picklist fields and enter first values

To create a field with the field type PicklistSingle or PicklistMultiple, click the Add button. Then proceed as follows:


  1. Field name: Enter a name for the field, e.g. Product Line.

  2. Field level: Specify whether the field should be created at concept or term level.

  3. Field type: Specify the type of picklist. With PicklistSingle, you can only assign a single value to the entry. You can use PicklistMultiple to assign multiple values from the picklist.

  4. Field values: If you create a picklist field, at least one value must be entered.
    a. Click in the text field of the Field values line.
    b. Enter the name of the value
    c. Confirm with the Return key on your keyboard
    d. Repeat steps b) and c) for the next values

  5. Translate content: Specify whether the content is translatable.

  6. Save: Save by clicking on Save or close the dialog without saving by clicking on Close.

Adding and deleting picklist fields

You can also customize the value lists of existing picklist fields. To do this, click on the Edit button for the respective field. This dialog box opens:


  1. Add button: A new input field for a value is displayed (2).

  2. Input field: Enter a new value for the picklist. Repeat points 1 and 2 for each new value you want to enter.

  3. Delete button: Delete the value.

  4. Save button: Save the current values.

  5. Close button: Close the dialog box without saving.

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