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Kommentar: Published by Scroll Versions from space DOKERS and version 6.0.001


For a distributed Congree installation, the installation step must be performed on every host that has been assigned client or server components.


  • You have configured a viable Congree installation.
  • You are on a host on which you want to install Congree.
  • You are in the Install Congree Components menu of the Deployment Assistant.

How to Verify your Installation

Verification – Verification Steps

  1. Verification whether the components to be updated are currently in operation
  2. Verification of the host on which the Congree installation was configured
  3. Verification whether all Congree system requirements are met
  4. Check whether the Congree versions of the components are compatible
  5. Verification of the installed Across version


Verification whether the selected editors are installed
7. Verification whether the selected editors are installed

Verification – List of Components to Be Installed

How to Perform the Installation

  1. Following the successful verification, click Install.

Next Steps
