- Back button: Go to the overview of available Congree Managers.
- Activated Managers: Go to another Manager.
- Parent menus: Switch between the menus.
- Switch between the Candidates, Approved, Discarded, Challenged, My proposals, and TeamPlay menus.
- Buttons for processing Authoring Memory Candidates and challenged sentences in the table
- List of sentences
- + button: Show all variants of the most similar sentence already stored for a sentence in the Authoring Memory.
- Checkbox: Select a sentence or undo an existing selection.
- Id column: Unique identifier of the sentence
- Rating column: Match level of the sentence with the most similar sentence already stored in the Authoring Memory in %
- Creation: Time of proposal of the Authoring Memory Candidate
- Language column: The language set in the Congree Authoring Client
- Creator column: Congree Authoring Client user who proposed the Authoring Memory Candidate
- Candidate column: The Authoring Memory Candidate or challenged sentence
- Rule set column: The document-specific rule set that was active in the Congree Authoring Client when the candidate was proposed
- Congree class column: If a Congree class has been assigned to a sentence, it will be displayed here. Congree classes are abstract designations of various document sections (see Global Settings).
- Proposal Status column: Indicates if the hives of Authoring Memory Candidates contain discarded Authoring Memory proposals:
- Comment column: Enter a free-text comment on the selected sentence whose status is pending and which has been assigned to you.
- Discard reason column: Enter a discard reason for selected sentences whose status is pending and which have been assigned to you.
- Hive update time column: Shows when the candidate, rating, and hive were last refreshed.
- Challenger column: User of the Congree Control Center who challenged the sentence
- Challenge column: Time at which the sentence was challenged
- Owner column: The Data Grooming user who has already grabbed the sentence for processing. If the sentence has only been grabbed, but not yet evaluated, you can take it for yourself.
- Status column: Status of the selected sentences. The following states are possible:
- new: The sentence has been newly proposed and has not yet been grabbed by any Data Grooming user for processing.
- pending: A Data Grooming user has grabbed the sentence for processing, but has not yet evaluated it.
- challenged: A sentence from the Authoring Memory that has been challenged but not yet evaluated
- challenged discarded: A sentence that has been stored as discarded in the Authoring Memory and whose discarding has now been challenged
- Number of sentences in the table
- Evaluation history table
- Initial hive view: See the Authoring Memory proposals for the selected candidates, which were available to the author at the time of submission.
- Details view: See the entire selected candidate.
A. Evaluator column: Users of the Congree Control Center who evaluated or reevaluated the Authoring Memory Candidate
B. Evaluation column: Times at which the Authoring Memory Candidates was evaluated or reevaluated
C. Comment column: Comments previously specified for the Authoring Memory Candidate
D. Discard reason column: Discard reasons previously specified for the Authoring Memory Candidate