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In the Fields menu you can configure for each termbase which attributes and attribute values to be available under Manage. You can also specify whether the content of each field should be translated.

Overview of the Fields menu

  1. Add button: Create a new field.
  2. Clone button: Copy the fields of the selected termbase to another termbase.
  3. Export button: Export the field configuration of the selected termbase.
  4. Import button: Import a field configuration.
  5. Table
    1. Field name column: The name of the field
    2. Field level column: Field level specifies whether the field or attribute refers to the concept level or the term level.
    3. Field type column: Field type indicates the type of content that can be used to fill the field.
      • The following Field types are available on the concept level:
        • Definition
        • TextSingle
        • TextMultiple
        • PicklistSingle
        • PicklistMultiple
        • Image
      • The following Field types are available on the term level:
        • Usage
        • Gender
        • Number
        • Context
        • TextSingle
        • TextMultiple
        • PicklistSingle
        • PicklistMultiple
        • Image
    4. Field values column: The attribute values that are to apply to the fields with the Field types Usage, Gender, Number and to all types of selection lists are stored here.
    5. Translate content selection: Specify whether the content of a field should be translated.
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