Reporting Manager – Reports

Reporting Manager – Reports

The Reports menu lists all reports created in the Congree Authoring Client and created during the Document Check in the Congree Control Center.

Overview of the Reports menu

Overview of the submenu

  1. Search panel
  2. Details and Comparison buttons: Go to the Details and Comparison submenus.
  3. Details buttons: Open an overview of one or more reports that shows you which notifications have been ignored, disregarded or not processed.
  4. Compare button: Compare two versions of a report with each other.
  5. Export button: Export one or more reports as a CSV or XML file.
  6. Number of reports
  7. Column Chooser button: Open the Column Chooser, which allows you to remove unneeded columns from the table.
  8. Refresh button: Display the latest overview of your reports.
  9. List of Language Check reports
    1. Checkbox: Select reports by enabling their checkboxes. The topmost checkbox enables all the checkboxes in the table at once.
    2. Document name column: Name of the document for which the selected report was generated
    3. Document-specific rule set column: Document-specific rule set with which the report was generated
    4. Report configuration column: Report configuration with which the report was generated
    5. Creation column: Time at which the report was generated
    6. Congree version column: The Congree version at the time the report was generated
    7. Report configuration version column: The internal version of the report configuration at the time the report was generated
    8. Report set version column: The internal version of the document-specific rule set at the time the report was generated
    9. Style Guide version column: The internal version of the underlying Style Guide at the time the report was generated
    10. Total checked words column: Number of words checked for a report
    11. Release level column: The release level reached
    12. Release level visualization column: Color highlighting of the release level reached
    13. Type column: Shows whether the selected report was generated during a document check or a section check
    14. Spelling column: Number of potential spelling errors found
    15. Grammar column: Number of potential grammar errors found
    16. Style column: Number of potential style errors found
    17. Terminology column: Number of potential terminology errors found
    18. Abbreviations column: Number of potential abbreviation errors found
    19. Known terms column: Number of known terms found

The Details submenu

  1. Search panel
  2. Overview and Comparison buttons: Go to the Overview and Comparison submenus.
  3. Export button: Export one or more detail reports as a CSV or XML file.
  4. Release level display: Overview of the total number of reports checked, the total number of words checked and the amount of notifications in the different notification categories.
  5. List of selected reports in detail view
    1. Category column: The notification category of the notification
    2. Code column: The rule code of the notification
    3. Notification column: The notification text
    4. Context column: The paragraph the notification refers to
    5. Range column: The string that the notification refers to
    6. Proposal column: The correction proposal of the Congree Language Check (if available)
    7. Status column: The Status column shows whether the notification was ignored, disregarded or not processed.

The Comparison submenu

  1. Search panel
  2. Overview and Details buttons: Go to the Overview and Details submenus.
  3. List of comparison criteria: The list shows the criteria in which the two compared report versions differ.
    1. Category column: The notification category of the notification
    2. Notification column: The notification text
    3. Code column: The rule code of the notification
    4. Change column: The column indicates whether content has been removed or added.
    5. Context column: The paragraph the notification refers to
    6. New status column: The New status column shows whether the notification of was ignored, disregarded or not processed in the current report status.
    7. New proposal column: The correction proposal of the Congree Language Check, if available in the current report status
    8. New range column: The string that the notification in the current report status refers to