Congree for Browser - User Interface

Congree for Browser - User Interface

Personal settings

You can adjust the behavior of the browser add-on as follows:


  1. Click on the Congree symbol in the address bar of the browser.

  2. You can set the language of the user interface by clicking on the flag. If necessary, you can change the access configuration to the server by clicking on the cogwheel. If you are using the browser add-on, everything should already be configured appropriately here. We recommend that you only carry out this configuration in consultation with the person responsible for configuring the Congree Language Server.

  3. The rule set used for checking with the browser add-on is displayed here. If several rule sets are enabled, you can specify the appropriate rule set via the selection menu.
    (Info) The rule set is only displayed if it can also be used. You will only see the name of the rule set if you are able to write something.

  4. Here you specify whether the messages from Congree should be displayed in an info box.

  5. The info box can be displayed on the left or right-hand side.

  6. Specify here when the info box should be displayed: only for messages in the current paragraph, throughout for messages anywhere on the page or only when you click on the congree symbol.

  7. Specify here whether you want to see the messages in the text. The messages are displayed as a pop-up when you point to the corresponding area with the mouse.

Displaying the messages

  • You can display the messages both in the info box and directly in the text.

  • If you deactivate both options, no messages will be displayed.

  • You can change these settings as often as you like.

The info box

Congree toolbar

  1. Check content button: Check the content of your page. Congree checks while you are writing. Click on this button to initiate a new check.

  2. Toggle the language check button: Show and hide the language check window.

  3. Toggle terminology search button: Show and hide the terminology research window.

  4. Toggle terminology candidates button: Show and hide the window for term candidates.

  5. Toggle Authoring Memory button: Show and hide the Authoring Memory window.

The language check window

Window toolbar


  1. Previous message and Next message buttons: Navigate from message to message.

  2. Number of messages in the language check window

  3. Toggle Ignored messages button: Show ignored messages.

  4. Toggle instruction button: Hide the instructions for all messages.

  5. Toggle explanation button: Hide the explanations of all messages.

  6. More details and ratings button: Switch between release level view and ratings (see below)



  1. Release level: This number indicates the linguistic quality of your text. By default, 0 is the worst and 100 the best achievable value.

  2. Status indicator: The status indicator shows, for example, the consequences that authors should draw from a certain release level. The text of the status display can be configured in the Congree Control Center.

  3. Release level overview: Number of messages in the various message categories including color coding of the error frequency

  4. Severity indicator: The color indicates how strongly the message influences the release value

Release level
The exact settings for the release level are defined in the Congree Control Center under Settings > Document. If you have any questions about the values, it is best to contact the person responsible for configuring the Congree Language Server.

Message: Release information


  1. Keyword: The keyword briefly describes the error. It is usually formulated in an instructive way.

  2. Suggested correction for direct insertion into the document: For certain errors, no suggested correction is offered for direct insertion into the document. In these cases, the error must be corrected manually.

  3. Instruction: The instruction expands on the summary and indicates how you can correct the error found.

  4. Explanation: The explanation provides additional information about the message.

  5. Example: An example shows a correction option for messages.

  6. Message category and rule code: The message category indicates whether there is a spelling message, grammar message, style message, terminology message, abbreviation message or a valid term. The rule code gives each rule a unique identifier.

  7. Severity indicator: The color indicates the severity of the error.

Message: Buttons


  1. Apply suggestion button: Apply a correction suggestion directly to your text. Correction suggestions are not displayed for all messages.

  2. Apply to entire document button: Apply a correction suggestion for identical messages directly to your text.

  3. Ignore button: Select Ignore to hide an individual message.

The terminology search window

Window toolbar


  1. Toggle term level button: Hide the term information of all messages.

  2. Toggle synonyms button: Hide the synonyms of all messages.

  3. Toggle naming level button: Hide the naming information of all messages.

Message: Information


  1. Naming as it appears in the text

  2. Synonyms button: Show and hide the synonyms for the term in the text.

  3. Show term level of the current term button: Displays term information (e.g. a definition) for the selected term.

  4. Show naming level of the current term button: Displays naming information for the selected term.

The window for terminology candidates


The window for terminology candidates and the window for terminology searches cannot be visible at the same time. To navigate between the two congree windows, use the following buttons:


  1. Toggle terminology search button: Show and hide the terminology search window.

  2. Toggle terminology candidates button: Show and hide the window for terminology candidates.

Window toolbar

  1. Select all button: Select all terminology candidates.

  2. Select none button: Deselect the terminology candidates.

  3. Toggle term level button: Expand the additional terminological information at term level for all terminology candidates.

  4. Toggle term level button: Expand the additional terminological information at term level for all terminology candidates.

  5. Add current text selection as terminology candidate button: Select a term in your text and add it to the selection of terminology candidates using the button.

  6. Add terminology candidate manually button: Open an input mask to create your own terminology candidate.

  7. Send selected terminology candidates button: Suggest the selected terminology candidates for inclusion in your company terminology.



  1. Selection box: Select a terminology candidate to suggest it for inclusion in your company terminology using Send selected terminology candidates.

  2. Terminology candidate

  3. Term area: Here you will find fields for entering additional terminological information at term level.
    a. Term attribute from your terminology system
    b. Free text field for entering the attribute value

  4. Term area: Here you will find fields for entering additional terminological information at term level.
    a. Term attribute from your terminology system
    b. Selection list for entering the attribute value

  5. Buttons for expanding term or naming attributes

The Authoring Memory window


  1. Previous and Next buttons: Navigate through the hit list

  2. Zoom in button: Expand the view of the hit list

  3. Sentence list All recognized sentences from the original document are displayed

  4. Display of hits: Click on a sentence to display the locations in the authoring memory. The relevant sentence is highlighted in the original text.

Notes on the references in the authoring memory

  • If there are more than 10 references, the list stops after the 10th reference.

  • The search differs depending on the backend used. A more detailed description can be found in the chapter Search algorithms - [EN] Documentation v6 - Congree Documentation

  • The meaning of the abbreviations A and W for the individual references is also explained in the Search algorithms chapter.

How to obtain initial check results

You have several options:

  1. Click in existing text.

  2. Write something.
    a. The Congree check is carried out in real time.

  3. Click on the following button:

a. The entire page is checked.

  1. You will receive results in the two windows according to your configuration.


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