System Requirements of the Server Components

System Requirements of the Server Components

Server: Hardware

Standard hardware configuration
HD50 GB free storage


The final dimensioning of the server hardware depends on several factors:

  • What is the load that generally occurs in the software environment?
  • Are other application servers running on the Congree server hardware (not recommended)?
  • Are the Congree databases in a dedicated Microsoft SQL Server, which is also on the Congree Server?

Please consult our consulting team to discuss these aspects with you.


The need for RAM depends on the amount of data stored. Therefore, allow for additional available RAM.


During the installation of Congree, a total of 7 GB free disk space is required. This is used temporarily.

Server: Operating System


When installing Congree, it is recommended that the Microsoft server used is in the delivery state. If unknown third-party software is installed on the Microsoft server, or the server configuration has been adjusted unexpectedly, there is a risk of Congree malfunctioning (the IIS configuration is the most risky part).

Windows® Server 2022Standard, Datacenter
Windows® Server 2019Standard, Datacenter
Windows® Server 2016Standard, Datacenter

Windows® Server 2012 R2


After June 30, 2021, this operating system version will no longer be supported by newer Congree versions.

Standard, Datacenter

Windows® Server 2012


After June 30, 2021, this operating system version will no longer be supported by newer Congree versions.

On the Windows 2012 R2 operating system, .NET 4.5 is installed by default, .NET 4.7.2 must be installed manually.

Standard, Datacenter


To be able to use the authentication method Trust Windows later on, the host for the Congree server components must be located within the domain.

Server: Software

Microsoft system software

Overview of server roles and features

  • Server roles
    • Web server (IIS) with the role services:
      • static content (Warnung)  _ Make sure that “dynamic content compression” is deactivated.
      • IIS Management Console
      • IIS 6 metabase compatibility
      • Application development: ASP.NET 4.6 + all required role services (automatically selected)
  • Features
    • .NET Framework 4.7.2
    • ASP.NET 4.6 + all required role services (automatically selected)
    • WCF HTTP activation with all dependencies (automatically selected)

Windows® Installer5.0
Windows® Web Server (IIS) roleIIS compatibility features with standard sub-components7.0
WCF HTTP activation with all dependencies
IIS configured with the default website on port 80 (HTTP binding to port 80)
.NET Trust Level for Congree applications: "Full"
IIS URL Rewrite2.1
ASP.NET with all dependencies4.5

ASP.NET Core/.NET Core - Runtime & Hosting Bundle


This Microsoft system software is installed with the installation of the Congree Authoring Server.


Other third-party software

for Congree Health Monitoring: Suitable browserGoogle ChromeCurrent version
Mozilla FirefoxCurrent version
EdgeCurrent version
for Congree Authoring MemoryOracle Java Runtime Environment (JRE) 64-bitfrom 1.8

As an alternative to Congree Authoring Memory:

Third-party software for Authoring Memory (currently from Across Systems GmbH)

Across Language Server

7 (subversion on request)

8 (subversion on request)

Across Client Environment
Third-party software for terminology databaseAcross Language Server

7 (subversion on request)

8 (subversion on request)

SDL MultiTerm using SDL Trados GroupShare

SDL Trados GroupShare: from 2017 SR1 CU09

SDL MultiTerm: from 2017

Interverbum TermWeb3
Kaleidoscope Quickterm

6.2.2, 6.5.0, 6.5.2, 6.5.3, 6.6.0

8 (subversion on request)

Third-party software as backend for term candidates extractionAcross crossTerm7 (subversion on request)
SDL MultiTerm using SDL Trados GroupShare

SDL Trados GroupShare: from 2017 SR1 CU09

SDL MultiTerm: from 2017

Interverbum TermWeb3
Kaleidoscope Quickterm6.2.2, 6.5.0, 6.5.2, 6.5.3, 6.6.0
for basic language check Italian or JapaneseOracle Java Runtime Environment (JRE) 64-bitfrom 1.8
OpenJDKfrom 8
LLMs for Congree AI-Assisted Content when using your own instanceGPT-3.5-Turbo
Mistral Large


The following Across components need to be installed and licensed for the communication between Congree and Across:
• crossTerm Web API
• crossAPI SI
• Congree Connector
Furthermore, Congree needs a user in Across that is exclusively designated for Congree tasks and has the needed rights.
The third-party software of Across Systems GmbH has additional system requirements; see https://www.across.net/en/online-help


Please note that the Congree Authoring Memory feature requires a third-party component “nssm.exe”, which starts a Java process and encapsulates it as a Windows service.

This may require exception rules in your thread prevention configuration, e.g. a virus scanner.

Server: Network

Data throughput100 Mbit/s1 Gbit/s or more
Latency< 10 ms (LAN)


The ports that need to be opened are specified in the chapter Open Ports.

Database Management System



In general, the system and configuration requirements of the Microsoft SQL Server must be fulfilled.

Microsoft® SQL Server® 2022Standard or Enterprise
Microsoft® SQL Server® 2019Standard or Enterprise
Microsoft® SQL Server® 2017Standard or Enterprise
Microsoft® SQL Server® 2016Standard or Enterprise




Microsoft SQL Server Express Edition does not meet the performance and database size requirements of production server installations. It also does not include maintenance and backup tools. It can therefore only be used for test purposes with small volumes.


SQL Server and Windows Authentication mode must be selected as Server authentication for the database management system. You can find this option in the server properties of your database management system in the Security menu.


For the SQL user for Congree to interact with the Congree database, you cannot use the following characters in the corresponding password:

  • "
  • '
  • ;
  • =

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