Finding sentences by attribute value

Finding sentences by attribute value

Let's assume we want find a sentence based on its Module-ID. The endpoint to be used is <host>/Congree/api/AuthoringMemory/v1/Sentence

This endpoint has two optional parameters:

skipAmount of the matched sentences to be skipped
countAmount of the matched sentences to be requested

The body of the request contains the query as JSON object.

  "Attributes": [
      "Name": "string",
      "Values": [
AttributesAn array of attributes used as the search criteria
NameThe name of the attribute
ValuesAn array of strings containing the values of the attribute

If we want to search for a sentence who's Module-ID is 3333 the JSON object looks like this:

  "Attributes": [
      "Name": "Module-ID",
      "Values": [

A method to integrate everything looks like this:

public string FindSentencesByAttributes(string host, string token, string json){
	var client = new RestClient(host + "/Congree/api/AuthoringMemory/v1/Sentences");
	client.Timeout = -1;
	var request = new RestRequest(Method.GET);
	request.AddHeader("Authorization", "Bearer " + token);
	request.AddHeader("Content-Type", "application/json");
	var body = json;
	request.AddParameter("application/json", body,  ParameterType.RequestBody);
	IRestResponse response = client.Execute(request);
	return response.Content;

The reponse is a JSON object containing an array like this:

        "Id": 699534,
        "Xml": "My sentence.",
        "Attributes": [
                "Name": "Module-ID",
                "Values": [
IdThe Id of the sentence in the Authoring Memory
XmlThe sentence that was found
AttributesAn array of all attributes belonging to the sentence.
NameThe name of the attribute
ValuesAn array of strings, i.e. attribute values, assigned to the attribute