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You can determine exactly what information is to be displayed in the Terminology Research Panel. Irrespective of the terminology system you use, the configuration always starts with the creation of a so-called display configuration.

How to create a display configuration and specify the terminology dictionary

  1. In the Display configuration area, click Create:

    1. The following dialog field will open up:

  2. Enter a name of your choice for your display configuration

  3. Click Create.

>> All drop-down lists and tables for creating a display configuration will be displayed. You can now begin with the actual display configuration.

  1. Expand the list of terminology dictionaries

  2. Select at least one terminology instance.

  3. Confirm with OK

  4. Optional: Expand the drop-down list of terminology filters and select a filter:



We describe the following process with Congree TermTiger as backend for the terminology. Depending on the third party system that you use as source for the terminology, there might be some differences. These differences can refer to standard field names or values or the availability of specific fields. The overall process is the same for all backends:

  1. define the source for usage status

  2. define what should be displayed on

    1. concept level

    2. language level

    3. term level

How to configure which term usage attributes are used for terminology research

If several term attributes referring to the usage status exist in the TermBase, e.g. for different departments, you can specify here to which term attribute the current display configuration refers.

  1. Go to the table for assigning term attributes and click on the empty table cell under Attributes:

    1. A drop-down list will open up:


  2. Select the desired term attribute.

  3. You have selected the term attribute correctly.


If you have defined selected more than one TermBase as source, repeat this for all TermBases.

After you have selected at least one term status field, proceed with the mapping for the values of the usage status in the table below. For each of the standard values “Deprecated”, “Admitted” and “Preferred” you can map the actual value of the TermBase:


  1. Click into the empty field in the column Term status and assign to each of the three standard statuses the actual value of the original TermBase.


In this example we mapped standard values from the TermBase to the standard values in the Display configuration. Depending on the TermBase(s) that you have defined as origins, the values might differ.

How to configure the colors in which the term status is displayed

As soon as the field values are mapped, the blue a standard color is assigned (Deprecated > red, Admitted > blue, Preferred > green). You can adjust these colors.


In the table for the term status, you can find all statuses available in your TermBase under Value. Under Term status, you can see what these values are called in the Terminology Research Panel.

  1. Go to the Color column in the table for the term status.

  2. Expand the drop-down list of the color you want to edit.

    1. The following field will open up:


  3. Select a color value.

    1. The field will close.

  4. You have successfully configured the color.

How to configure whether/which synonyms are to be displayed

  1. Select Show Synonyms in order to see synonyms in the Terminology Research Panel:


    1. The first table column shows all available synonym statuses from your terminology system.

    2. The second table column shows the TermBase where these values originate from.

  2. In the Visible column, determine for each synonym status whether the synonym status is to be displayed in the Terminology Research Panel.

  3. If, for example, your terminology system has the Deprecated, Admitted, and Preferred statuses and all three statuses are selected, you will see the respective synonyms in the Terminology Research Panel.

How to configure whether/which concept attributes are to be displayed

  1. Select Show concept attributes in order to see concept attributes in the Terminology Research Panel:


    1. The first table column shows all available concept attributes statuses from your terminology system.

    2. The second table column shows the TermBase where these values originate from.

  2. In the Visible column, determine for each concept attribute whether the concept attribute or its value is to be displayed in the Terminology Research Panel.

  3. In the Values column, you can select single field values for picklist fields (empty in case of text fields)

  4. In the Terminology Research Panel, you can see all concept attributes or their values that have been configured as visible.

How to configure whether/which translations are to be displayed

  1. Select Show Translations in order to see translations in the Terminology Research Panel:


    This table lists all languages and sublanguages that are available in the TermBase:

    • The first column shows the Language.

    • The second column shows the Database where this language is defined.

    • The third column shows if the translations in this languages should be Visible in the display configuration. You can decide for each entry separately. By default, all languages and sublanguages are activated.

  2. In the Terminology Research Panel, you can see translations in all selected languages.

How to configure whether/which term attributes are to be displayed

  1. Select Show term attributes in order to see term attributes in the Terminology Research Panel:


    By default, all attributes are activated.
    This table lists all term attritbutes that are available in the TermBase:

    • The first column shows the Name of the Attribute.

    • The second column shows the Database where this term attribute is defined.

    • The third column shows if the content of this term attribute should be Visible in the display configuration.

    • The fourth column shows the Values for the picklist attributes.

  2. Define single attributes by clicking into the Values field.

    1. Click into the field to activate it

    2. Click again to open the submenu


    3. Select here the values you want to display in the Display configuration

Click Save in order to save your display configuration.

The content of these tables will differ from what you see, based on the Terminology system and the actual content that you are using.

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