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In the Authoring Memory Candidates Panel, you can propose sentences to your Data Grooming users for inclusion in your Authoring Memory.


  • The Authoring Memory Candidates Panel is open.
  • The Authoring Memory Candidates Panel contains at least one sentence.

How to propose sentences for the Authoring Memory:

  1. Select the requested sentence(s). You can do this in two ways:

    1. To select individual sentences, activate their checkboxes.
    2. To select all sentences, click the Select all button.

  1. Propose the sentence(s) by clicking the Propose visible candidates button.

    1. The selected sentences will disappear from the Authoring Memory Candidates Panel.
  2. The selected sentences will be proposed to your Data Grooming users as Authoring Memory Candidates.


The Data Grooming users will check your Authoring Memory Candidates and will either add them to the Authoring Memory or discard them. Discarded candidates will be marked with an icon indicating this in the Authoring Memory Candidates Panel (see Authoring Memory Candidates Panel).
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